Your comments about 8 Primes gave me a bad case of buyer's remorse, having just ordered mine in Minnesota and expecting a 6-8 month wait. Heck, I won't drive to California but I definitely would have driven to Madison. Now at least I can convince myself that the 4 would be gone before I got there.
MN, I am in the same 6 to 8 month time frame with you. It is going to be 8 months of highs and lows as we think it is near only to be snatched away. Like Lucy with the football.
I got on the website of the Madison dealership an hour ago and perused their stock - no Primes listed. Then the little box popped up. 'Hello, I'm Lisa [or whatever]. Can I assist you in finding a car? What model are you looking for?' Me - ’Prius Prime' 'What color?' Me, feeling heartened - 'any' 'New or pre-owned?' Ha ha ha Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I have been tempted by 'Lisa' too, and now am pretty sure that the typist is an off-site customer lead collector for any number of dealerships. I'm looking forward to her replacement with a bot.
I think we should form a Flyover Country support group. How fussy are you going to be on choice of color, Huskers? The manager led me to believe that flexibility in that regard would go a long way toward moving up in line. I started the conversation wanting titanium, ended with 'any of the 3 light colors', and would probably broaden that even more if given the opportunity to get it faster!
I did agree to an Advance over a Premium if that made things move quicker. Color did not come up but I would accept any light color. Don't really want the dark grey or blue. I may email my guy with color options. Bright side of waiting...we might get end of the year discounts on the 2017 models. Seems like they should get at least one in before they start giving options to us. Thing is...I want this to be my car choice for a while (10 years or so) getting what I want is important. But the wait is killing me, especially, coming here and reading about everyone's adventure with the car. Sign me up for the Fly Over Support Group...." my name is Husker. I have been without a Prime now since Nov. 7th, 2016".
That would mean a trip to California. Then getting it back to Nebraska. I just feel like I have less control that way. Trading in my 2011 as well. I want to buy from the dealership I plan to have it serviced at for many reasons. One being I will be a customer of theirs and they should be able to provide service on a car they sold. I don't want to hear, "we don't work on those here because we don't sell any or many". Just a thing with me, I know. A loyalty thing, I guess. Also, if the car has any of the problems that are posted about here I can address them with my dealer since they sold me the car and be in a better place to get it resolved. Can't do that if I buy from far away. Buying a car should not be this difficult. I really think the dealership I am dealing with is trying their best to get me the car I want. If I did not, I would be looking at other options more seriously.
You can buy a car by phone. I did, last week. I understand your 'loyalty' and service thoughts but they are not reality. A dealership will service your car exactly the same regardless whether the car was bought there. Heck, the only reason they SELL cars is to funnel customers into the service bay! It might make sense to service the car at a dealership that also sells your model, but there is no reason your single car should affect that choice.
Bravo! Sign me up too... "Hello, my name is prius maximus, and I haven't been within 500 miles of a Prime since Nov 7th, 2016." Blue or red from the current options for me. Tired of black, gray, silver, white and all the shades of pale. Other colors would be welcome. heat reflective green?
You're overlooking something important, a vital goal our local plug-in integers group is working on... establishing a list of plug-friendly salespeople. That's why I didn't phone in my order, then have it shipped via truck to my house like I did before. Having a local person to send prospective buyers to is essential for market growth.
I'd be glad to buy a car by phone. Once I've seen one in person and decide whether it fits my needs. Regarding a flyover waiting list, shouldn't there be an automatic approval based on distance to nearest prime? Say greater than 200 miles?