Some may feel that having a few elections gone 'oddly' in a few countries will propel humanity over a cliff. Others may feel that we have come back towards sanity without wrongly dismissing fossil-C burning. This thread ought to be for PriusChat people who have spoken up less before. I begin by taking a year 2050 view. More than 1 billion more people added, needing more energy, food and water. They will (if given the chance) make more economic growth, both by innovation and consumption. Your clever minds may offer ideas we have not yet considered. We have dwelt on issues that may or may not be the most important. Let this be the place for new ideas to be presented and explored.
WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!! But very unlikely our death will be due to global warming. Much more likely to die from not being able to afford the cost of heating in Germany and the UK. Where seriously thousands of elderly will perish every winter due to high costs of fuel.
Germany is a good example, with renewable sources approaching 32% of electricity supply. Cost is now about usd$0.30 per kwh, compared to $0.19 in Great Britain for example. I'd call that a notably large price difference. Mojo's expectation for many prompt early deaths is something else though, something he might wish to support in some way. But it's a beginning. Suppose that non-coal electricity costs 50% more than coal, but frees the audience from coal-pollution deaths. What data would be needed to choose the better path?
I refuse to post in a thread that begs for 'who have spoken up less' and being 'clever.' Take it up with my attorney @bisco who will sue everyone reading this note by following the Trump example of Dewy, Cheatem, and Howell. Bob Wilson
i read the o/p, then decided not to post. not because i have said far too much already, but because i'm all out of good ideas. have been for awhile. a long while. (sheepish) have the mods removed the emoticons from fred's? (confused) wait, this isn't fred's, must be something wrong with the site. (roll eyes) back now, all good. i may have had a senior moment.
Following the @mojo example, you are lying because we know you got a Gen-1 Plug-In Prius. Like everyone who is not @mojo, we are all persuaded by his cut-and-post of sphincter collar sources. Over the top, yet? Bob Wilson Ps. Now to figure out my New Years resolution.
Most of the difference is a very regressive german tax. Der spiegel has talked much about this. It was widely reported that there were many early deaths caused by people not being able to afford heating. These were from lower cost and lower renewable UK, not germany. AFAIK these deaths are not occuring in Germany. The scandal of Britain's fuel poverty deaths | The big energy debate | The Guardian Germany is rapidly expanding coal. As said much of the cost of energy is taxes. Much of the high cost has to do with shutting nuclear plants early and building coal, offshore wind, and solar. Germany and Japan are increasing coal use and ghg not decreasing it in the short term. Part of the german idea is high cost will make people use less, but this definitely hurts fixed and low income people more than the greens that like the policy.
Let's look at the generic possibilities of where we stand: (1) Climate change is real and it's too late we've already put too much CO2 in the air (2) Climate change is real and if we immediately ban fossil fuels, the planet can be saved. (3) Climate change is real but the planet can handle more CO2 due to various reasons (4) Climate change is real but depletion of energy resources is the more serious problem I leave it there.
Sounds reasonable. On the cold turkey on fossil fuels, think about it, most farms in food exporting nations would fail immediately, the famines and wars resulting from the food shortages (hey how do you move it) would likely kill billions within a decade. So cure is likely worse than the disease. That leaves you with 3 human caused climate change is real and we should act to lower its impact 4 screw it its real but not worth giving up much especailly we should make the koch brothers richer and repeal even today's rules.
5 )Climate change is real but there is no proof that CO2 has anything much to do with it. 6) The Sun has recently gone into a state of minimal sunspots.Much like previously during the "Little Ice Age"
Ontario, Canada has punitive electricity rates, due to piled on taxes and a "renewable" agenda I think? To the point of desperation in some rural communities, where "delivery charges" are punishing.
Hmm, trying to find concrete numbers is like pulling teeth. On this page there's a chart of cost per 1000kwh/mth, and surprise, surprise: Boston MA is leader of the pack: Ontario Electricity Prices Are Out Of Control
not something we take pride in, that's for sure. if we were leading in clean energy, i'd be happier about it. that's a nice chart. interesting to see that you folks have people on both sides of the coin like we do. most americans think it's all roses and butterflies to the north.
California is high due to Climate change AB32 legislation.And poised to skyrocket. I cant imagine why New York and Boston are so high.
all i have read is infrastructure upgrades. not much detail though. i'm sure there is some coal and nuclear correlation though. i do know they are bringing in some major gas pipelines. but who knows where those prices will go.
It does, it also has overpaid a great deal for nuclear plants, and had a wierd deregulation like in connetucut where they privatized profits and pushed up rates. They export power to US often at a loss and charge rate payers for overbuilding. Many silly bad policies, having little to do with expensive renewables. Its strange how texas can be building infrastructure and renewables wind and solar much cheaper than ontario's nuclear, but .... you get the picture. Lots of poor regulation and people like blaming the renewable part of the government corruption. Hydro One: Ontario’s privatization plan explained - The Globe and Mail High electrical rates are paying for roads and bridges. The government wouldn't raise fuel taxes or other taxes, they did a hidden tax built into electrical rates, and the new private company may make it much worse in the future.