According to Dr. Samuel Milham, the problems started with electrification back around 1900. Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization by Samuel Milham, MD MPH Available at Amazon in print and ebook formats. I attended a seminar where he and several other medical professionals discussed the dangers of EMF. Basically it's real, but detection is confounded with many other causes. Serious research is extremely limited, due in large part to the economic impact of any negative findings. Researchers who find anything negative don't get funded for the next study. Very little is understood about the power levels, frequency, waveform, etc of EMF that causes damage. Different metering systems are sensitive to different characteristics. Most are totally insensitive to very low frequency. Everyone agrees that ionizing RF is dangerous (your microwave oven for example), but non-ionizing like a cell phone next to your ear is controversial. There are medical reports about brain tumors that seem unique to cell phone users. Women who used their bra as a cell phone pocket have gotten tumors next to where the cell phone was kept. Since cancer tends to take decades to develop, we should start to see how real this is over the next 20-30 years. Some people think all we've seen so far is the tip of the iceberg...
I can understand and sympathise with individuals who are affected, or believe they are affected by this phenomenon. It's easy to quote documents. Less so to cite evidence of claims made, or peer reviews of claims. I personally believe this has become a sort of self fulfilling ailment for symptoms without obvious or recognised causal factors. The human psyche is a very strange thing.
Considering the antennas on your cell phone are very limited (by design) in the frequencies they are sensitive to, I think your measurements are suspect at best.
Perhaps some of the users in this thread need to move to Snowflake Arizona. The residents of this Arizona community are allergic to modern life | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Considering the Prius frame is made of mainly steel parts and steel is ferromagnetic (strongly attractive to magnetic fields) stray EMF would be contained within the frame, with theoretically very small leakage fields present in corners or at notches in the frame. When I had a Gen 3, using a Gauss meter (borrowed from work), which measures in mT (milli Teslas), I could not detect any stray magnetic fields at all, so I threw away my tin foil hat with confidence. I have not checked the Gen 4, but I suspect that if there are EMFs in the OP's car then it is haunted and needs exorcising.
Assuming a relatively closed metal box, it would work like a Faraday cage. That's the main reason for external antennas. But the EM inside would stay inside too.
I suspect it would dissipate into the 'cage' and not remain like a confined energy source. You may know better.
We are still talking about magnetic fields here aren't we ? Antenna - converts electric power into radio waves and vice versa.
I thought a Faraday Cage needed to be grounded. My metal car chassis is insulated from ground by four donut-shaped insulators. Are these insulators needed for full vehicle functionality?
No, microwaves produce NON ionizing radiation. Just the same as radio waves but a different frequency. Microwaves are used safely for medical purposes in the human body. OEM Microwave Generators - Microwave Ablation - Emblation Microwave Ionizing radiation is the sort that can be detected using a Geiger counter. Otherwise called RadioActivity. Ionizing radiation - Wikipedia Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
You're talking about voltage discharge. Not the same thing, sorry. PS poor link from UK ATM. No emoticons and dropping out all the time. If you lose me, I'm not deceased (well, maybe not!), Just can't get into PC web or app!!!!!!!
Eureka. News of my demise have been painfully exaggerated. Prius Chat was lost, but it's now found again!
Edit: Ok, I see that microwaves are non-ionizing. But I still wouldn't like to be inside a microwave. So the agreement is that ionizing radiation is dangerous. Like mammograms. The radiation used for mammograms actually causes cancer: Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer (video) | The Truth About Cancer . GE makes out quite well with this situation. They build the machines that search for cancer, and then use the machines again after they have caused cancer. Just good business in today's medical practice. Since it takes decades of repeated exposure and pre-approval testing is much shorter, it's all accepted by the FDA. There is a safe alternative to mammograms and it's call thermography. But GE is a large, established company while the thermography vendors are small with little clout in the medical business. Considering how dangerous ionizing radiation is used, any dangerous effects of non-ionizing radiation are so far down the list of concerning issues that it's generally ignored. Ignored, however, is not equivalent to safe.
Found an old document discussing the medical effects of military radar. It may be non-ionizing, but I would hardly call it safe.
Is it just me or as anybody else noticed that when @RCO gets on in the morning, Prius Chat rebels and gets b0rked!