The best app I've found (better than Tourqe) for Toyota Hybrids. Gives real time info of all important parameters. Also has a report writer to analysis trip information... Check it out, you won't be disappointed! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Haven't tried it myself yet, but noticed in the blurb that you have to disconnect all other Bluetooth connections from your phone/pad before connecting the odb2 sensor to it. Worth a try or not, I don't know!
Hello, this Program ist absolutely awesome! And it is absolutely free! After you (automatically) recorded a ride with "Hybrid Assistant", you can use "Hybrid Reporter" to plot and analyze. ALL the data and efficiency of this ride. Hybrid-Assistant-Reporter by leokowalski posted Jan 7, 2017 at 11:07 AM I am so much impressed of this software! You can switch to MPG. Here is a small piece of this report, where you can see Winstons (ccdisce) ECT-Spoofer in action. : Temperatures by leokowalski posted Jan 7, 2017 at 11:16 AM The Bluetooth-Adapter was a cheap china Clone of the ELM 327. I also added a full report of this journey, done in a 2016 Toyota Auris (like 2015 Prius). Regards Leo Kowalski Edit: In the report you can see, it is wintertime in Germany! P.S. Search for "hybrid assistant" in youtube!
I had the same problem. Using a small cheap ELM327 it didn't work but it does work with a bigger (longer) cheap older ELM327 that I have. Both work with Torque Pro! Try borrow another OBDII. I'm thinking of buying the recommended device when I can find a reasonable priced one due to its faster speed... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Choose your OBDII adapter and good to go, sooooo easy to use! Some reading to understand all the elements was mandatory for me, but it's totally worth it I have a small issue with the Hybrid Reporter though - Google map overlays show only the map without data. Edit: I'm using it with the Carista adapter, and it stays above 100 PIDs/sec (for 90% of the time) while playing music over BT.
Does it require bluetooth on your screen? That is one option I dont have. But I purchased a OBDII reader and I have had one chance using it and because the problem was battery related and the reader needs a power supply, curious how this app actually works if not by Bluetooth.? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Can't believe I finished the first tank using the app with +2 MPG (UK). Second talk half way and it's currently at a further +3!
This is so expensive. How many PIDs/sec do you get with it? Does it have any functions that would justify the price being 4-5 times of some other adaptors?
Over 100 PID/second With this adapter you will be sure the Hybrid Assitant program will run ok, so: You could reach the minimum Break Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC): You could activate the Hybrid Battery fan automatically at the battery temperature you want (early than the ECU normally does) You could make easily a Hybrid Battery test to search for battery cell problems: Forum Prius Touring Club - Afficher un message - Remplacement-Panne-Usure Batterie de traction Without a fast OBD2 adapter you could not make these actions and obtain usefull reports.
OK, so I downloaded the hybrid Assistant and Reporter Apps the evening of 8/1/17. I purchased the recommended OBD Link LX Bluetooth adapter a few days earlier. I open the app and go into the tool section, touch the "About" button and it's showing the most recent release is 1.91.2. I adjusted the settings to have everything in Fahrenheit/Miles/Gallons. Everything links up and it monitors the car and it provides the report. My question is the accuracy. Keep in mind, I'm not even close to being an expert on apps, especially stuff on a phone, but there's some things that give a first impression of a real amateur feel. I have to admit they definitely jam a lot of info onto a screen. Some things still do not display in F/M/G I used it on my drive to work this morning and then generated the report. Trip summary shows 22.16 miles (accurate) and breaks it down into some details. Seems fine. Does a speed evaluation/breakdown. Seems fine. Does a HV battery state of charge and altitude change breakdown. Seems fine. BUT....and here's an important one...the fuel evaluation. It states: Consumption 6.844 mpg, Usage 3.238 gallons, Cost $6.476 (I had programed in a cost of $2/gal). Seems off a little bit, considering my current MFD is showing 49.2 mpg with about 300 miles so far on this tank of gas. I thought maybe it's off by a decimal place, but no that would put me at 68.44 mpg and 0.3238 gal. No matter how much I would love to see those numbers, let's be real. That would be about >30% better than the best tank I've ever had (52 mpg and about 430 miles on MFD) I tried "The Google Monster" but didn't come up with anything regarding the app or how to correct it. Any ideas? Maybe I'll put it back to metric mode for the drive home to see how it does.
I have managed to keep Facebook out of my life. I was hoping to keep it that way, as I'm not a 'social media' type person. Unfortunately, every day, something comes up that keeps pointing toward going that direction.
Unfortunately, for the like of you and me social media is the cheapest form of advertising to a super-wide potential client base because of the way it works. For every couple of folks they lose through that specific medium, there are another couple of thousand they gain. I'd like to believe the smarter ones keep other lines of contact open, but.....