Traded in my 2013 Rav4 LTD and got a white 2017 Prius base plus upgrade package. Sitting on snow tires with black steelies. I freaking love it. I've only driven about 100kms and I'm averaging 5.1lt/100km. That blows me away. The Ravs last tank was averaging 15lt/100kms. Pig in the city with short trips. Gas here on the east coast of Canada is $1.299 a lt. Hope they OK in the snow. lol
Great decision! Welcome to higher MPL! You'll get 1 year of 2016 owner's comments, tips, assistance on any of your questions. stt
With all those off-shore drilling rigs? That's about 10 cents more than Vancouver, but it goes up and down. Are those Corolla rims? They work well. With the Corolla rim center opening, I found a 2" black ABS end pipe makes a near-perfect hub cap. It has inside diameter of 2.375", which makes it slightly loose. What I did was cut "rubber bands" about 1/8" wide, off a bicycle inner tube, pushed them over the hub lip, then half-screwed, half pushed the cap on. Get it pushed down as much as possible. The front case, due to slight protrusion of the drive train bolt, will be slightly raised. But they look better than bare/open, and that condition will rust llike crazy, really fast. A little wax/oil on the steel in there helps too, seals it. Here's how it looks with the end caps:
Congratulations - I think you'll enjoy it. I've had mine nearly 6 mths now. I'd tip you'll improve on 5.1 - my average is - not sure, but when I post this, it'll show up under my text , and I'm driving mine mostly "normally" - I'm sure I could get a little better if I tried. I use RADAR Cruise most of the time, so it makes the decisions on acceleration speed etc a lot. Yours could likely be more economical in SUMMER than WINTER. No idea about snow, sorry - I've only ever seen it in photos.
Congrats! I got the exact same colored Prius 2016 two weeks ago. I was lucky enough to find the Tech package as they are hard to find outside large cities in Canada, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. I love it so far! Since it came with the fuel tank full, it took more than two weeks before I refuel. I took a picture after my first refuel, I was so impressed! It's an event by itself! Cheers from Quebec.
Over a week owning it and still on my first tank. Just a smidge below 1/2 tank now. Avg has crept up to 5.5lt/100km. Most of my trips are short. Few things that are annoying; - Reverse beeper inside the car is very annoying. - Driving while snowing out radar cruise doesn't work as snow builds up on radar - LED headlights don't generate heat so snow builds up on those as well. This car is very low...this might be a problem in heavier snow. But I'm hoping if the car has a flat bottom and with its added weight it should just be fine. We do get a tad bit of snow here sometimes.
OOOH - I've never seen snow. If it snows here - I think we'd be calling it an ice-age. Did you fill the tank yourself? It seems that everyone's FIRST TANK - the computer read-out is wrong, not sure if it's the computer getting a handle on things? I'd fill it, and work from there. You can get your dealer to change the reverse beeper.
First tank is completed and filled as soon as the light came on. I travelled 576km(358miles) which I'm very disappointed with. But weather has been snowy and cold. Avg consumption was 6.51lt/100km(36USMPG). Way better than the Rav but was hoping for better.
Close that door, gently. Cold and snow is doing that, I'm sure. We get a spike every winter, and this is on the west coast:
This is an excellent, excellent hack! Great tips on lubing too. Kudos to you, Mendel. A couple additional tips I'll pass on: 1) Be sure to pop off these caps every month or two, when the temps get above freezing (or after parking in a garage, if the weather doesn't cooperate), drain/wipe out any condensation or trapped moisture, then re-lube and replace the Inner tube) rubber bands if they look at all frayed - typical inner-tube rubber will break down surprisingly quickly when exposed to moisture, heat and oils. 2) A proper o-ring will (likely) last far longer and resist oils much better than inner-tube rubber. You can find appropriate o-rings in various sizes and thicknesses at larger plumbing supply shops and home centers. Oh, and props to you for the full-snow Michelins fitted, as well. Which model and spec are they? Are they studded? Care to share any feedback on their deep snow and black ice performance? Cheers m8 -S.P.
Omg, that is some snow dude. Have the dealer change the backup beeping to just beep once. It drove me batty for a few days.
I know, right? I think the ground clearance on a Gen 4 isn't an issue in this case...because even a lifted 4x4 is gonna struggle with that much! And get the Carista app and a bluetooth OBD2 adapter, to change the beep (and much else!) as you prefer yourself.
You may want to consider adding an engine block heater and using it. It'll help on short trips as it'll pre-heat the engine, reducing idling and lowering your consumption. Also, 6.5L/100km is bad for a Prius but that's what a Yaris gets on a nice summer day (combined city/hwy) lol. My commute has gotten shorter and hillier so I went from summer time mileage of about 4.1-4.3L/100km to 4.9-5.2L/100km so distance does make a difference because of the engine warm-up cycle. Once in a while on a weekend when I take a longer trip out to the flatter areas, I'll see my 4.1L/100km or better (even into the high 3s)
Assuming you mean my centre cap idea, it works with Corolla rims, which are exact fit with the hub. Aftermarket rims will likely have larger opening, maybe too big. For ref: 2" ABS end cap inside diameter is 2.375". This has slight play on Corolla rim. Off topic, but I just received an eBay purchased set of caps that will go on our son's Civic snow tires (mounted on civic steel rims), Christmas present. I wish Toyo made something comparable.
I think you should have no issue with ground clearance I had my new car before snow arrived, got 4.1L/100km for a while then with the cold slowly hiked to 5.4L/100km. You will be amazed in the spring, and you might have rides under the 3L/100km...