I'm looking to get a used v for city driving. I see no major price difference between the years and was wondering if people can suggest things to look for when considering different years? I'm looking at used ones w/ 30-40k miles max and would be really helpful if you know CPO if the way to go? thanks
The differences are cosmetic. The fish face was added in 2015 I think, earlier ones look more like a Prius. Small differences in features and packages also exist but mechanically they are all identical. The 2015 also had a defective display/head unit that had to be replaced due to issues with it freezing or locking up. I may be confusing 2014 and 1015 in some regards.
that's awesome to know. as for battery, will i will to worry about year which it was built or purely miles based considerations? finally was wondering what are folks thoughts on a CPO vs non CPO-ed cars? there's a suburb dealer has one that i'm eying that's not CPO-ed.
no worries on the battery. how close are the prices by year, seems a bit strange. if the non cpo has a good maintenance history, one owner, low miles, no accidents, it should be fine.
Newer for the same price? Of course, except if it has been wrecked, flooded or tampered with. Too good to be true, then....
Age seems to be at least as important as miles, maybe more so. Harsh climate conditions (definitely hot, maybe cold) and heavy mountain use also seem to age batteries faster.
newer 2014 model with 2k more miles on it was about the same price as 2013.. different dealers however. I'll shop around. the deals are pretty good right now for used Prius. Does all model years have LED lights? I'm only considering the 5 trim right now
I think there was a safety upgrade in the 2015 models, at least it got better safety ratings. IIRC, it had to do with protecting your legs better from a front impact. Also, we had freezing problems with our 2015 radio/nav system and I think they finally got a software update in August that seemed to take care of it. At least no problems since and we have covered a lot of miles.
The safety item was a better score on the frontal offset crash test where the edge of the front bumper hit something driving the wheel back towards the legs of the driver or passenger.
When I traded in my '13 with ATP, it sat on the dealer's lot for 3 months. Go figure, but it probably depends on where you are. Search national.
searching national. I did let one slip through because I was hoping to pull the trigger dec. some dealers are just crazy still asking for 3k premium for the ATP over same model year used fives
Some years, the ATP cost $5k new. The later years it was less in part because of a cheaper head unit on the stereo.
used '13 w/ low milage are going about 16-17k.. a dealer is asking for 23k for one with AT. a new 2017 with ATP will run you around 33k. how some dealers comes up with their tag price are just beyond me. edit: what's a good way to see dealer invoice these days? truecar and edmunds has a 3k swing on the same car