Is there anything you have to do to turn it on or allow it in the settings? Also because mine is a trim one is there anything I need to do besides the reverse trigger to pin two of 28 pin?
Did you ever find this? I'm having a horrible time with my install and can't seem to find answers. I bought the harness for my 2014 C1 and tapped the reverse signal to pin 2 but bi video in my nav
I'm not sure if the trim one radio would supply power to the camera or triggers the camera. I bought the 2015 version. I did help a friend with a trim 3 2014. Setup is pretty much the same as mines except the harness is different. Does the harness fit your radio? The link from amazon provides with a 6v camera,
Yes I replaced my head unit with a Prius c4 head unit and it works great. Navigation, HD radio, XM radio all are working fine. I have found the trigger wire and wired it to port 2. The power coming from the red cable of the harness is showing over 12v and it powers the camera because it works fine on my monitor when it is connected. Well it works fine for one minute then it dies. I believe the head unit kills power when it doesn't see video. I am losing my mind on this one. I have a suspicion it might be the harness input that is bad. The vendor says if i can get video on my monitor then he will send a replacement. I just wish i had a way to test the rear trigger is working. In your install of the 13 do you remember if port 2 for reverse trigger was already cabled? My only other guess is the communication part i dont have working is causing this. Another thread has how to connect the wires to make the car information work (hybrid stuff).
the 12v, you getting that from the radio? or from the tail light? I vaguely remember the kit includes a 6v camera, power coming from the radio. the kit I remember was almost plug and play. I didn't need to tap any power from the back, everything was from the radio.
I got the same harness as Mpeegee from page 16 of the thread, it grabs 12v power from another cable in the HU. I'm wondering now if my problem is with ground. The relay part of the harness with the metal loop isn't attached to anything.
what did the diagram said for the wiring? I do remember I need to ground a wire on the harness kit. very easy since the radio has lots of ground point.
Ok so he replaced the harness and now on the display menu I see camera options. Yea! Unfortunately all i can see are grey bars when I adjust brightness and contrast and reverse still doesn't trigger camera mode. The only thing I can think now is it doesn't trigger off of two. Did anyone with a C1, or C2 attach addional wires as well? The com ones in ports 9 and 10?
If anyone with trim one or two is reading this, has anyone got the 100023 nav radio going with a backup camera without wiring 9 and 10 for the hybrid communication?
Try page 6 post 110. It is still there Also for future C1 and C2 people trying this with stock 100023 radio good luck. I gave up and got the corolla HU p10313 . Works flawlessly using the reverse trigger i had wired. So either pin 2 is not the reverse trigger port or the 100023 radio gets its reverse signal from somewhere else. Same behavior using a lab setup and in the car, corolla worked prius c radio did not. This baby is going on ebay again Sad because i loved the stock look
Thank you well done , great find, I also had this same issue after trying to get the trigger working and I will get rid of this 100023 and get the Corolla one. Godbless you brother.
FYI, you need to use the Echo Master Rear Camera for it to work with Stock Nav Radio in a Prius C-3, C-1 or C-2. The radio harness is plug and play to g79-16 pins harness as it is NOT a reverse signal, it is voltage regulated. (Vehicle Signal Check Mode) to determine if the car is in reverse or not.
Can you explain? I still havent got arround to selling the stock radio yet. Maybe I will give it another whirl. Isnt it 12v from reverse or ACC/IG ? How can I replicate this on my workbench to see if it will work in the car? I was able to apply 12v to reverse pin on my corrola radio and camera would come on, can I do similar for ACC/Igg?
A heads up on this, I found the best looking kit from aliexpress for the price. The one I got stateside was worthless. Here is the item i purchased and it looks really good in the car Fascias Audio Panel Frame Dash Kit For TOYOTA 2012~2014 PRIUS C Left Hand Driving Retail/Pc Free Shipping-in Fascias from Automobiles & Motorcycles on | Alibaba Group
Hey everyone, just thought I'd check in and say that As of the end of 2016, the camera is still working as well as the first day I installed it! No regrets, no leaks and no rattles from any of the disassembly! I also ended up never cutting the wire that turns off the grid lines on the camera image. Turns out those lines are actually my favorite part now; whenever I parallel park, I know exactly where to align the edge of the curb with the lines so I get really close to the curb without scraping my tires. I wish I could *add* grid lines to the backup camera on my regular Prius!
Hey all, I just finished a successful install on my 2013 C3. It took my just over three hours. The hardest part, by far, was getting the wire through the rear hatch door and through the rear roof. Like Oatflake I cobbled together instructions from a few sources. Oatflake's post sums it up nicely: Rearview Camera | Page 16 | PriusChat
So in theory, would this work on my wifes 2015 prius c2? It has the navigation, just not sure if it has the output for the backup camera. Is this literally just plug in and play?