This is a general remark and not directed at Danny or PC - this site is pretty good most of the time. I'm talking about other sites that javascripted to death to make the text that should be the first thing you see last. While you are waiting, megabites are downloading for pop-ups, videos that don't ask your permission, maybe spyware, etc. Maybe using Windows 7 and Chrome is part of the problem, but sites I just described will often make Shockwave bloat until that site takes as much as 1MB of memory and crash the browser. I don't get it. Twenty years ago, I'd go to a site and read it. Sometimes it would be faster with a dial-up modem. I'm sick of going to a site that I wait like it's my latest Windows update. I know part of it is generating revenue with pop-up ads, but that probably does not explain it all. Probably too many webdesigners assume people don't want to just read text - I find it quicker. Waiting to see videos and larger pics to me is a waste of time that also can crash the browser. And then there is click-bait: "you won't believe how __________ looks today", or "Top 20 ___________" and it's a ten-minute slideshow.
agree, i don't bother with them. and i don't read news that comes in video format only. i know, you can't read video.
Agree, but even the unsleasy sites throw in lots of unwanted multimedia baggage. I think there is an app to suppress videos.
i hate the ones where, no matter where i move my cursor, something pops up. and all these apps on the side, Facebook, twitter, etc. sometimes block the print.
Over 99% of internet data is fluff, less than 1% is content. When I was taught HTML you had to keep the code as small as possible, if it took over 30 seconds to load on dialup you failed. Bandwidth costs money, sad that no one cares. Heck what we would fit in 30kb back then now takes 7mb!
Back when my 'broadband' was the slowest DSL available, I learned how to use Firefox add-ons to filter out much of the fluff before it entered the pipe, in order to get the useful content in a reasonable time and not overrun the monthly data limit. Now my pipe is 10x faster, but that is now slow by today's standards. While I no longer have a data limit, web pages have bloated again by another 10x, so these filtering measures are still necessary.
The browser you use makes a difference. Mozilla's Firefox can filter out a lot and I think there's another called Brave, but not certain about that one. The opera browser can also save some time as well.