If I bought a pre own 2013-2014 Plug in prius, can I apply for the sticker if it doesn't have one already?
Can you read and follow directions? Clean Air Vehicle (CAV) Decals - High Occupancy Vehicle HOV Lane Usage
I've read that article many times but it's not clear weather or not a used/preown vehicle qualify. It only say that if a pre-own vehicle have it, then you must transfer the sticker to new owner but that I'm well aware of. The info seem to lean towards that yes as like as the vehicle qualify. What throws me off with this subject mostly is folks are selling Plug Ins selling on the point of having an HOV sticker already and I've read that those that have them holds their value if not sell higher than similar vehicles without it.
Geez. Shite or get off the pot. APPLY for the Green HOV sticker and be done! If the car had it, but the stickers were removed due to accident (replaced bumpers), stolen, or the original applicant never placed them on the car, DMV would let you know, you car already has issued stickers. Now, you will be dealing with a different issue to get replacement stickers issued. What is hard to understand w/ "The Governor signed SB 838 on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 removing, the statutory limit and allowing DMV to issue additional Green Decals." This law just eliminated scarcity and the added value some areas will place on HOV stickers. Sellers with plug-in hybrids can no longer mark-up their cars b/c any plug-in hybrid can apply and will get a Green HOV sticker.
I'd say YES you can get a green sticker...and you should do it before next legislative session as Plug-In America wants to say ixnay on PiP for green HOV stickers. CA will probably extend the end-date on HOV stickers, but PiP may get voted out of that party as of 1/1/2019.
You should be able to, I got one and live in Tennessee. All i had to do was apply for it and provide them the VIN of my Vehicle for them to verify it was qualifying. So should be in the Inbox any day now