My 2005 car is on the back of a tow truck. Background- I just got an oil change and tires rotated Thursday. No problems. This evening after driving about 12 miles, the tri engine light came on. I tried to get 1/2 mile to the gas station, but the car decelerated and stopped. I have anout 142 k miles on it. Everything was closed tonight so the driver will deliver the car to the dealer in the morning. I am new to this area and I have little confidence in the work at the dealership. I think they overcharged me for the last work. My question- what might be the problem and what questions should I have for the dealer? Any idea of how much a repair might cost?
The dealer you are going to will figure this out for you. A guess would be the inverter coolant pump quit and the car overheated. If this were the case, the repair will be about $500 If this ends up being a problem with the oil change, you can bill the people that did that service for the repairs SM-N900P ?
Thank you, JC. I like having some clue of what the reasonable problems might be before the discussions begin. I will post back with an update that might help someone else.
The problem seems to have been an obstruction in the fuel rail. That set me back $200 for about 2.5 hours of diagnostic time. They siuggested that I use better fuel; which I feel I have been doing.
that happened on my brand new lawn mower. cost me 50 bucks, but i find it hard to believe. use mobil, but they claim it can't be more than a month old.
Save your receipt, this sounds like it'll happen again. They don't fix themselves....You normally would get other symptoms engine misfire. Not straight to engine shutdown
I am with you on that. I am very skeptical - but- the car is fine now, and your lawnmower too, it seems.
yes, they claim they cleaned the carb, drained the tank and put in fresh fuel. i've never had it happen before, but i suppose anything is possible.
It is all too weird. The car just locked down say within 3 min of flashing lights. And I am careful where I buy gas. Anyway, I took my receipt to the company and filed a request for them to pay the bill. That likely will not happen, but I just needed to do that. Yes, I will keep the receipt. Thanks. While they had it they asked to change out the original spark plugs and I agreed. I almost wish I had kept them.
Well it seems that my fuel should have been drained and replaced as well if that is truly the problem.
Hmmmmm- I don't think so. I guess spark plugs would have been changed out then? Well I guess they served me well. I am surprised my dealer did not pull my coattail on that one. I will look at my records.