Hello people! a n00b here , would like some info on my prius!

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by snakey123, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. snakey123

    snakey123 New Member

    Oct 24, 2016
    2013 Prius
    Hey guys, new user here from middle east. I recently bought an imported Prius 2013 from a local importer and I would like to know more about it as he was unable to provide me with any details whatsoever. There is also no Prius model available in local Toyota service centers here so I dont think they would able to help me out. I kind of doubt that its 2013 model even, I am posting pictures and as well as posting maximum information I have for you guys to analyze - let me know if any other info is needed for my questions below


    Car name : Prius
    Production date : 2013/07
    Production Period : 04/2009
    Model Period : 12/2011
    Color code : 3R3
    Trim Code : FA22
    Model : ZVW30-AHXGB
    Engine : 2ZR-FXE
    Multimedia/Audio : Model ID : 11TSANJP-AZ01, Navigation: V6023400, Bluetooth: 21.210, Map update software : 37


    Please see at bottom of post


    1- What exactly is my car's model/year? and the name of navi/audio/multimedia system manufacturer along with model (e.g. NSZT, NHBA, NHZA etc), physically all i can is 100039 written (see in pics)

    2- Would like to know about my navi/audio please, how and where to update the software plus any other downloadable item for the car e.g. any software related to car, operation/instruction manual (it did not come with any instruction manual). The navigation system seems to be for Japan only, can I set it to my Country? there are mapcodes so I am assuming there is some sort of Map software/file which can be installed on it.

    3- Any chance of getting the language changed to English on Navi screen and as well as on Dash info? I managed to change the audio's menu in english somehow but its still not "completely" in English. There is also voice commands thing on steering and proximity sensor (on dashboard) which is also in Japanese (quite annoying that one, keeps on screaming if someone or some car passes by while driving).

    4- What does the HDD function do? can i copy songs n stuff plus videos on it? how do i run Gracenote with media , is it supposed to show subtitles/lyrics? What formats does the multimedia support via USB and HDD (both audio and video)?

    5- Can I have apps installed in this multimedia? if so, what exactly can be downloaded and installed on my own? I guess it does not support Entune :(

    6- Can I change the multimedia/head unit? cause the dealer guy said , some of car's features (such as Auto-park, rear view camera etc) wont work, is it true? if possible, i would like suggestions to upgrade the head unit for Entune primarily.

    7- Any site where I could get my car's previous history from the info provided above? such as previous owners, accident history etc

    8- Is there any way for me to register on Toyota's website as an owner? There is No VIN on it since i guess its a Japanese Domestic car, it has a Frame no.

    9-What upgrades can I do for this car? the dealer said it also has heated seats but upon googling, i found out there is supposed to be a button which does that but there is no such button, how can I know if these are heated seats or not?

    10- Any other thing which i can do to check the technicalities related to car's engine and other components? such as hybrid battery life etc.

    11- There is also a "TV" in the multimedia, can i do anything with it or is it meant only for Japan?

    12- There is a "NO SERVICE/DCM" written on some of the navi screens, my guess is that its trying to connect to some celluar/satellite service? can I enable that with my Country somehow via a SIM or something?

    13- What is G-BOOK and VICS?

    Thanks guys and looking forward.

    IMG_7754.JPG IMG_7755.JPG IMG_7749.JPG IMG_7704.JPG IMG_7703.JPG IMG_7833.JPG IMG_1075.JPG IMG_7841.JPG IMG_7842.JPG
    autopark.JPG IMG_1024.JPG IMG_1028.JPG IMG_1030.JPG IMG_1031.JPG IMG_1033.JPG IMG_1036.JPG IMG_1037.JPG IMG_1039.JPG IMG_1043.JPG IMG_1044.JPG IMG_1045.JPG IMG_1046.JPG IMG_1047.JPG IMG_1048.JPG IMG_1049.JPG IMG_1050.JPG IMG_1051.JPG IMG_1052.JPG IMG_1053.JPG IMG_1058.JPG IMG_1059.JPG IMG_1060.JPG IMG_1061.JPG IMG_1062.JPG IMG_1065.JPG IMG_1066.JPG IMG_1067.JPG IMG_1071.JPG IMG_1072.JPG IMG_1073.JPG IMG_1078.JPG IMG_1079.JPG IMG_1080.JPG IMG_1082.JPG IMG_1084.JPG IMG_1086.JPG IMG_1087.JPG IMG_1089.JPG IMG_1091.JPG IMG_1093.JPG IMG_1094.JPG IMG_1095.JPG
    Montgomery and emad_alquda like this.
  2. kenmce

    kenmce High Voltage Member

    May 4, 2004
    Other Hybrid
    In no particular order-

    It's right hand drive, I'm hoping that matches your country?
    It is the luxury version, not the base model.
    It's a third generation model.
    The picture 115216_IMG_7842.jpg show a control I have never seen.
    The picture 115205_IMG_1091.jpg appears to show something added by a previous owner, that's not a factory install.

    The image 2016/10/115194_IMG_1072.jpg shows the Heads up display controls (Center of image) which project things on the bottom of the windshield. The small dark button on the right set the clock. I don't recall what the top right one does.

    The "Production Period : 04/2009" suggest that it was made in '09, which I believe was the first year of the third gen.

    The image"2016/10/115206_IMG_1093.jpg" Shows the button you push to activate voice recognition (The talking head) but it probably only understands Japanese (Sorry) The two pictures of a phone handset under it will answer and hang up your hands free phone (If you use Bluetooth to pair the car with your own cell phone)

    In The image "115201_IMG_1084.jpg" the three buttons on the right control the wing mirrors. You push the L/R button to tell it which one, then the mirror button to adjust its aim up/down/left/right. That button with the arrow looks like it folds in the entire mirror, I don't have that.

    9-What upgrades can I do for this car? the dealer said it also has heated seats but upon googling, i found out there is supposed to be a button which does that but there is no such button, how can I know if these are heated seats or not?

    The seat heat button(s) are underneath the flying bridge dash thing. They rock forwards and backwards. You could also investigate the wires under the seat.

    If you have a big black metal box under the drivers seat that should be a CD reader with a CD in it that it uses to put the map on the screen when you use the GPS. The CD that it came with may only cover Asia in the area around Japan, but if they make a Middle East CD you should be able to put in the right disc and have it start working right away.

    I have never owned the a Japanese model, only a North American one, so it could be different from what I know. Your command of written English is excellent, any chance you could get an owners manual (for a Japanese model) in English?
    #2 kenmce, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
    snakey123 likes this.
  3. snakey123

    snakey123 New Member

    Oct 24, 2016
    2013 Prius
    Thanks kenmce. Yes the right handed drive matches my Country :) Unfortunately, there is no such box under driver's seat and there was no CD that came with it.
  4. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    I don't know whether these design cues changed at the same time in other markets, but in the US the power button changed from black to blue, and the temperature up and down triangles changed to color, with the mid-generation-3 refresh in 2012. That was also the same time the US 7-inch nav unit changed from having the maps on a DVD in a separate, dedicated slot, to having the maps on an internal hard drive and only a single disc slot, which seems to be the version you have. Updating the maps just copies them from a DVD or USB storage onto the internal drive, then the DVD or USB device isn't needed any more.

    The screen that has all the pictures of maintenance operations (oil cans, tires, and so on) is just a maintenance reminder app. You can pick any one of those maintenance items, enter a number of km or interval of time, and it will remind you on that schedule.

    This nav unit seems to let you copy from music CDs onto the internal hard drive too. Pretty neat ... the US version doesn't offer that.

  5. Rebound

    Rebound Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Portland, OR
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    The Prius Generation III production began in 2009, but your vehicle was built in July, 2013
    #5 Rebound, Oct 25, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
  6. Naveed

    Naveed New Member

    Sep 28, 2017
    2013 Prius
    Hi i am Naveed from Pakistan and have exactly same issue. Please tell if you find some solution for it. Please mail me cus i dont know how to find this forum i just googled it.
    [email protected]

    Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
  7. Elektroingenieur

    Elektroingenieur Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    2016 Prius
    Three Touring
    The vehicle with the frame number on the label in your photo, ZVW30-1707969, is listed in Toyota’s Electronic Parts Catalog database as having been produced in July 2013.

    In many countries, Toyota doesn’t use the concept of model years; the model code (型式, katashiki) and production date determine the vehicle’s characteristics. Your car’s model code is DAA-ZVW30-AHXGB, in which “DAA” indicates a hybrid vehicle with emissions 75% less than those required by the 2005 regulations in Japan; “ZVW30” indicates a third-generation Prius, the model produced from April 2009 until November 2015; and “AHXGB” indicates the “G” grade or trim level.
    It’s one of two versions of the built-in navigation system, made by FUJITSU TEN. As far as I know, there isn’t a separate model number like those assigned to the navigation systems sold as dealer-installed options.
    The Owner’s Manual (取扱書) and Navigation System Owner’s Manual (ナビゲーションシステム取扱書)for your car are both available (in Japanese) as PDF files from Toyota’s website. I don’t know if there are English translations of these editions, or how to get them. You may find the European version of the Owner’s Manual (PDF) helpful, though it may not describe your car exactly.

    The Electronic Technical Manual (電子技術マニュアル) disc for your car is published only in Japanese. The latest edition is SC12B5J, which you might find for sale on Yahoo! Auctions in Japan; earlier editions are SC12B4J, SC12B3J, etc. This probably the only source for wiring diagrams that match your car exactly, but you may find it convenient also to use the English-language Repair Manual, New Car Features, and Electrical Wiring Diagram books available by subscription to toyota-tech.eu, which cover right-hand drive vehicles built for sale in Europe.
    It’s highly unlikely that the navigation system works outside of Japan, with or without a map update.
    Gracenote provides only title, artist, and genre information, not subtitles or lyrics.

    The USB input is for audio only, in MP3 or WMA formats; the details (in Japanese) are on pp. 285–287 of the Navigation System Owner’s Manual linked above.
    If you want a Toyota head unit with maps, telematics, etc., for your country, I’d suggest asking your local Toyota dealer. Even if the Prius was never sold in your country, there may be a head unit for a different Toyota model that would be compatible, though if the prices are anything like those in the U.S., it would be very expensive.

    It might be better to keep the Toyota head unit for its integration with the rear-view camera, hybrid system indicator, and other vehicle systems, and add an aftermarket GPS navigation device.
    Information may be available from the files of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in Japan. There are numerous firms that will do this research for a fee; I have no experience with them.
    If the car doesn’t have a seat heater switch, it’s unlikely to have heated seats.
    There isn’t a direct read-out of hybrid battery life, but you could retrieve numerous other parameters from the car using a Toyota Techstream (also called Global Techstream, GTS) diagnostic system or a third-party equivalent.
    Unless your country uses the same ISDB-T digital television standard as Japan does, I’m afraid it won’t work.
    DCM refers to the Data Communication Module, which connects the car to the cellular network. Even if you could get the DCM to work with a cellular network in your country, it’s unlikely that it would do anything useful, since the DCM would try to communicate with Toyota’s servers in Japan.
    See the Wikipedia article for G-BOOK, a Toyota informatics service. VICS is the Vehicle Information and Communication System, a traffic information system. These services operate only in Japan and are unlikely to be useful to you. The situation is similar with the ETC (Electronic Toll Collection System) card reader seen in your picture 115216_IMG_7842.jpg.
    kenmce likes this.
  8. AzWxGuy

    AzWxGuy Weather Guy

    May 22, 2011
    Tucson, AZ
    2021 Prius
    #8 AzWxGuy, Oct 29, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017
  9. Vladimir-K

    Vladimir-K New Member

    Mar 19, 2023
    2015 Prius
    Всем здрасте.
    Можно л поставить Русский язык на магнитоллу приус 2015 (100039)?