I have a 2007 generation 2 Prius with 92000 miles and have never had a problem. About a month ago I got the red triangle with an exclamation point and check engine light on my Prius and the gas engine turned off. I used the electric motor to get off the expressway. I was able to start the car again and it ran beautify, then it happened again two days later. I took it to O'Reillys Auto Parts and had the code read, it came up with a third cylinder misfire. The parts guy told me to change the spark plugs first because the coils were expensive. He showed me two types of replacement plugs. I told him I was trading in the car so he suggested the Autolite plugs for $2.00 each. I gaped the plugs and installed them and the car has not stopped anymore. The problem I'm having now (and I didnt have before) is the car is sputtering while going at a constant speed with the gas engine. It feels like the engine cuts out for a fraction of a second. It idles beautify and accelerates normally without any hesitation. There aren't any knocks or pings coming from the engine. All the fluid levels are ok, the check engine is light is off. The Parts guy at O'Reillys Auto Parts connected the code reader again and there are no codes. I want to trade the car in for the new Prius, so I really don't want to invest to much into it. Does anybody have any idea what might be causing the sputter?.
Is there a reason you posted in the Gen 4 forum? It seems like you'd get better responses in the Gen 2 forum. Personally, I don't have experience with your situation.
Oh no! I thought it was on the gen 2 forum. I did it on my phone. How do I delete a post? Or move it?
I am not sure you can. Maybe a mod. But, anyway, at least you won't wonder why no one else is having this issue!
Geez. The Iridium plugs are rated for 120K miles, in traditional cars where the engine is always running. Most just replace the iridium plugs at 120K, since this is what the service interval states. You just wasted $8+tax (assuming you replaced all four plugs). You should have moved ignitor on #3 cylinder to another cylinder, to see if the problem moves to that cylinder. If it does, then an ignitor replacement is the only cure. The ignitor is relatively cheap. New OEM is $80+, from dealers who sell online. You can buy a used ignitor from various sources, for less than $80. Are you not thinking "could it be el cheapo" incorrect spark plugs? That is the (incorrect) part you introduced, and now have the problem you are stating. Cause & effect.
Be thankful its a cheap part that is easy to replace. Most likely the cause of your original and new problem is the same thing. Don't go cheap on your car. Think of the car as a partner in life. If you go cheap on her, she won't stay around too long. Give her the best parts in the store, and she'll stay with you for life.