Prior to owning my Prius, I had only been hit by someone once in 15 years of driving. That time I was stopped at a red light in a 1996 Subaru Legacy and rear ended by a guy in an older Ford Ranger that didn't stop. In just over a year of owning my 2012 PiP, I've been hit by 3 people in trucks. The first incident was my neighbor backing up his lifted Ford pickup truck in the neighborhood. I realized he wasn't paying attention and started driving away, but he still smashed my tail light with his rear bumper. No damage done to his old steel bumper. A few weeks after that, while in stop and go traffic on I-5, a guy bumped into me with his truck. He had a bull bar style front bumper that was undamaged. Fortunately the damage to the Prius was just a couple minor scratches to the rear bumper. I didn't bother making a claim since it was so minor and the kid was very responsible (besides paying attention to traffic). Today my wife was backed into by a Jeep. She was parked 15 feet behind him on the shoulder of a road. For some reason, instead of just pulling forward onto the road, he aggressively reversed without looking. Is the Prius more difficult to see than other vehicles, or do truck drivers just go around driving without looking? I'll probably just take a check from his insurance company and keep an eye out at the junk yard for a front bumper cover and foam. I don't really care what the car looks like as long as it functions properly.
ouch! i thought the opposite. i backed into a mercedes parked in a no parking zone. never saw it, even though looking over my shoulder, due to the limited visibility out the back of the prius. $3,000. damage to her rear door and quarter panel, just a scratch on my bumper cover.
Doh, that sucks Bisco. Doesn't your PiP have a backup camera? I hold your opinion in the highest regard, but I find the Prius to have excellent visibility out the rear; better than anything else I've been in. The lower glass allows you to see closer to the rear bumper than other vehicles. I can even (just barely) see the jet ski when I'm backing down a boat ramp if I push my head up into the ceiling. Sounds like there was a reason why no parking was allowed where that Merc was parked. They should at least get a parking violation. ... and I also drive a Dodge Ram 2500 diesel, but have never hit anyone.
Unfortunately, I've found that our WGM Prius is seemingly invisible to other drivers as well. It necessitated installing DRLs to make it more visible to other drivers while on the road. I also installed louder horns to alert inattentive drivers when they try to make lane changes into our lane when they don't realize we are there.
i can't look over my shoulder and in the back up cam at the same time. when i pulled into the parking spot, there was no car there. so partly, i wasn't expecting it and didn't look hard enough i guess. as i backed toward the merc, i was looking over the trunk, and didn't even see it as my right rear corner hit the door. hey, i'm old and confused. my fault, 3 year surcharge and loss of good driver rate. and no, the lady drove off scott free before the cops got there.
Before my Prius, I pretty much exclusively drove a 4x4 SUV. One thing I've noticed: lots more jerks cut me off or pull out in front of the Prius than they do my Durango. (I wonder if I could make the push bar from my Durango fit my Prius, LOL. ) Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Got backed into by a Jeep while I was backing out as well, lady didn't see me coming and didn't stop, fortunately, it was a very low speed accident and minimal damage. It occurred shortly after I read this article about banning SUV's, now I'm paranoid around them... A Prius is the size of any other Sedan, it's the huge land yacht's on our streets that are the problem.
Be thankful they turn them off while servicing your vehicle. Some members have had melted headlight covers from the headlight being left on when fender covers are draped over the vehicle while being serviced.
I too notice people have a special kind of disdain for the Prius and act even more jerky than they normally do. I have passed a guy on the freeway in the middle lane (7 mph over speed limit with cruise control) and then moved into the right lane, only to have that guy zoom out and around me, move back into the right lane, and then slam on the brakes to take the exit. He had been going slower than me for miles, but for some reason couldn't accept that he got passed by a Prius, and just barely passed me in time to dangerously make his exit. It's annoying how gutless the Prius is because some people simply won't let you pass them, even though nobody takes twisting roads as fast as I do. Once I hit a straight section to pass, the jerks speed up. My neighbor still hasn't paid me for half of the cost to replace the light he backed into. I ordered the cheapest one I could find on Amazon and replaced it myself. His mentality seems to be that it's my fault for not driving a tank that can hold its own when another tank backs into it. Maybe I should back into him with my Dodge diesel? Survival of the fittest!
Yes, I'll likely be moving next year due to my wife's requirement to find a job in a rural town in Oregon. I've got a helicopter on the shopping list too. I'll be looking for a "fuel efficient" chopper. The Robinson R22 gets about 13 MPG
Half? He should pay 100% of the replacement cost... He's lucky you sourced a low cost replacement to begin with. SMH
I don't think a Prius is any more invisible than any other similar sized car. Reads like you live in a not skilled driver area of the country. S**t happens. My only helpful comment would be to be on the defensive with your own driving and braking knowing that all other vehicles do not see you. Good luck!
Living in West KY unfortunately means too many people consider your manhood to be directly proportional to how much fuel you can waste and how jacked-up your 4x4 is.....