Hey everyone! So I finally was able to reproduce the sound that my Prius makes under a moderate to heavy acceleration. It sounds like spark knock. Sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn't. It's been like this since 246k (when I first bought the car). Either way, it drives me nuts not knowing what is causing the noise! A little history: Around 250K, it would throw a CEL for timing (P0014 or P0015, the one that suggests the timing is being retarded/advanced bank 1) and then it would clear itself and go away. At 266k up until now (291k) it doesn't throw the code, not even pending. I have replaced the spark plugs and timing chain @ 260k. The first video, you can faintly hear it On this second video, I was able to get next to a wall to allow the sounds to echo: Tomorrow, I am going to put in a tank of premium in it and see if that eliminates the noise. From there I could guess that the knock sensor is possibly failing if that cures the noise? Any advice would be great!
My 2005 with almost 300k dose the same thing. It drove me crazy too. I am also pretty sure mine was ignition knock. If I put some high quality premium it seemed to go away or at least quiet it down. I've since noticed a lot of older high mileage Prii make this sound.
My little sister drives it now. She runs premium and doesn't care. She probably doesn't even notice. She drives with the music up all the time
How old is your engine oil? Have you followed some online guides for P0014 similar to this? Have you ever used engine cleaner in the car? One way to help diagnose the problem would be get a Techstream Mini Vci cable for about $20 and then look at what misfires are recorded by the ECUs. It could offer some additional clues. To me it seems like it could be anything from spark plug wires and coils to injectors needing cleaning to EGR valve leak to the engine starting to loose compression.
There’s no EGR in gen 2 Prius. Instead VVT-i system is used to achieve some internal EGR. This means that there’s no EGR valve or passages to block up. There are no spark plug wires either because it uses coil on plug.
I have the same problem I bought it with 180k . And now it has 296k. Amazingly the noisy sound like a diesel engine went away and now have a tekking noise which alot better but the tekking noise came with battery charging issue . Which I made a post for. The gas engine does not make any noise at all. If any one got torque app with custom pids for prius if u please let me know what do you get for mg2 gate measurement because I get nothing. I a suspecting mg2 is the problem for not charging the battery and making the noise. Toyota dealer all they tell you it is normal noise which is not because I seen many post that the noise start later on like 70 80 or 90k. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I changed my oil 1000 miles ago and change every 7500k. I am always amazed how clean the oil is every time I drain it! So the $4k scanner my buddy has (SnapOn) won't do this? Last time I checked, it read hybrid codes, and even picked up on an AC code when it wasn't wanting to work right. Separate issue, but managed to fix that. Also update: I put premium in it and it improved slightly, but it always varies even with regular gas. I drove 40 miles on the new tank. Next step is to run some fuel system cleaner through it i.e. Seafoam If the CVT is making the noise, are there any reputable salvage yards or businesses that would sell a known good CVT? I am seeing them on eBay and may go that route. Either way, if the engine or trans fails, these parts seem to be pretty inexpensive!
Absolutely! If you'd like, you could add me on Facebook, I am sure we could keep eachother informed better that way, I am glad to hear I am not the only one who daily drives a 300k Prius, well near it haha. My full name is: Dillon Disselkoen
It should work (at least almost as good). I (and probably others too) would be very interested what you find.
The Techstream software that comes with the cheap Mini-VCI can run tests on the car (running fans and pumps, for example), aid in some maintenance (brake and coolant filling and flushing) and can customize some features like the security system. Other non-Toyota scanners might not do that. The Mini-VCI cable hardware is not very robust, though.
It probably does. I would want to know if it's logging misfires. The Prius will tolerate quite a few misfires before throwing a code. In Techstream there's a specific screen I can look at that tells me the number of misfires it has logged (I've never seen it not at 0, but I'm only at 72k miles). If the scanner isn't logging misfires, then you might start checking other things, as it would point to i the engine not being the problem - could be transaxel etc. If it is, then there's probably some data included with the misfires - at what rpm they occur etc. This is probably a case where you'll have to eliminate a lot of things it's not before you find out what the problem is. Knowing if the car is logging misfires would be the first place I'd look. Or considering the number of miles on the car, it's worth considering driving it until it fails, or at least throws a code. 300k is great run for the Prius. It's certainly possible to do a engine/transaxel swap if you have the skills.
Techstream is software writen exclusively/specifically for the Toyota family: Toyota, Lexus, Scion, Daihatsu (JDM). The SnapOn reader is trying to be the Jack of all trades, master of none. It will likely read a lot of codes, but not ALL codes. Nor will it be able to do ALL of the diagnostics that manufacture specific software can. $4K sounds expensive, but it is relative. *Toyota approved Mongoose OBD2 cable ($500) Drew Technologies *ANNUAL Techstream software SUBSCRIPTION ($400 or $1096, depending on software level) https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_pageLabel=ti_whats_tis&_nfpb=true *Laptop that meets the software minimum requirements ($500+) As you can now see, $4K was a ONE time expense. Cheap for one who makes their living working one cars. The upside with you getting your own imitation Mongoose OBD2 cable and hacked Techstream software, is you can do the diagnostics at your leisure for any Toyota. The latest models will, likely require the latest software version of Techstream. $20-$30 imitation mini VCI cable + spare laptop = cheap convenience, and a very useful tool.
I've been taking my time diagnosing, trying different things as I went. Oh yes, I just want to know which one will fail first, lol. Either way, I have access to a two-post lift and garage time, so when one decides to crap out, i'll have the resources The friend that hooked up his scan tool suggested that the cam phaser could be failing, would that exibit the symptoms I am having? It sucks since I did the timing chain right before 270k. Yeah, I could buy another Prius, but why throw a perfectly good one away? It has no rust on the frame, and for what I paid for it ($675) five months ago, I don't mind spending a little money. I want to get a million miles out of the body!
I have several old, spare laptops I could use, as I get them in all the time from customers from my Business. I may do this so I can have it around!
$675 for the car. CHEAP. Yeah, throw in a used low mileage engine and transaxle. Hopefully get another 150K+ miles.
[QUOTE$675 for the car. CHEAP.][/QUOTE] Agreed! The seller was freaked out about the triangle of death, but of course I did my research and read the codes. I've driven 50k miles with no break downs or anything like that! I'll be swapping as soon as one or the other dies. Who knows, I may get another 100k out of the current pair, it's always hard to tell with motors/transmissions.
I get the same thing with mine. I attribute it to being a very basic engine internally speaking, probably the simplest component of the vehicle. It does seem that octane / detonation is a factor, so in addition to upgrading fuel you could also try a seafoam treatment or something along those lines.