Little by little, in part thanks to this forum, issues are being solved for my Gen 4. One big problem remains. For those of us who suffer more from the sun than from rain, what to do with it? The visor in 2016 Prius due to space taken by all the sensors, I guess, is a joke. It only covers half of the driver side window when the sun is on the left There are a few posts in Accessories thread. Some people made their own plastic extenders, which are very nice, but not everyone is capable to do the same. I have two questions in this regard: 1. Does anyone know any visors with extenders, that would fit into 2016 Prius? Maybe from Japan? 2. I almost ordered these from Amazon: (Gray Set of Visormates- Side Window Sun Visor Extenders) but canceled at the last moment because read in the 'see more product details' "Not for Prius". Something simple as this would work for me. I wonder if anyone knows why is it not for Prius? And if there is anything similar on the market?
I bought a pair of polarized wrap around sunglasses. They seemed to be the best solution for me. They seem to work pretty well and now I don't use the sun visor much at all. The down side is now the HUD isn't as easy to see in the brightest sun. I knew the visor issue would be problematic when I bought the car thanks to this forum. One day, I'll find the perfect car for me but this is the closest I've ever come to really loving a car.
Tinted windows are the answer. Not one time in 45 years of driving, did I ever have a need to whip the sun visor around to the side. Better yet, just drive East or West all the time.
I was wondering - having seen the comments about the visor - I don't recollect it being a problem - or using it to the side in a LONG time. Maybe it's because I'm reasonably tall, and like my seat up high. I also have had tinted windows for the last 25 yrs.
i got a suction cup black mesh screen for the driver side window, and made a mickey mouse cardboard and elastic visor extension.
I didn't mean to sound snarky (arrogant). There was another thread that discussed visor extenders, and some good ideas mentioned. You might do a search and see if the thread pops up. Not including extenders on the visors was just another way Toyota went cheap.
I looked through all of the threads on Accessories and Modifications forum. The only real solution was suggested by one guy, who made an extender from plastic. But this is way high tech for me. I was driving north-west for about 20 min the other day on the streets, and the sun was on the left a little behind. There was absolutely no escape! The visor was completely useless. So I did go ahead and ordered from Amazon (the one I mentioned in my first post). The guys confirmed it will work in my Prius, although on Amazon it says: Not for Prius. I wonder why? I think and hope this low tech solution will work for me. I will post after I get it and install. And, btw, I thought being Coast Cruiser you were mostly driving South or North
I'm in an area that has "south facing" beaches. So if I drive directly south from my house, me and the Prius would be bobbing in the surf. (I've been here for 61 years, and still get confused.)
The 2009 Chevy Malibu (another car in a similar class) I traded in, had adjustable sun visors that would extend on the rod that holds the visor. All you need do is make the visor slide on its support rod. I can't imagine any real cost savings. It's just a matter of design. I'm tall and the visor almost never covers the area of the side window where it bothers me. I'm wondering what size test subjects they use when determining the design requirements? The expensive parts seem to be covered. The telescoping wheel seems to reach me and the seats can be moved back to an appropriate distance. I'm just stymied by this. Oh.... and that little spot where you can't clean the side window... you know, where no cleaning device known to man will fit in there.
I'm really finding the sun visor to be useless (for me). I'm tall, so when I pull it down I can't see a darn thing ahead. And my seat is all the way back, so when I swivel the visor to the side it doesn't reach me at all. But that's a very minor issue. No worries, mate! As long as I keep getting 83 mpg, I don't have a gripe in the world!! (Ok, more like 60, but who's checking.)
The visors extenders issue is solved for me. I ordered from Virosmates and it is great. Cheap but very functional. I recommend to order an additional set of 2 ribbons. These will allow to extend even more. For those interested details could be found on Amazon in reviews.
I am using a polarized sun glasses for driving in sunny day and have some concern that LCD screens will not going to turn dark on me. Anyone has experience with polarized glasses please advise.
I put on my POLARISED sun glasses - couldn't read my HUD properly, so they came off. I've got tinted windows (max legal) now and don't have a problem any more with sun from the side.
My HUD isn't quite as easily seen with my polarized glasses on. It is still visible and is bright enough to use. But I only have to wear the glasses occasionally. It just proves my lifelong belief that I'm not designed to drive a convertible.