The trick really is to start with a clean towel, spray then wipe a dirty spot and move on. Don't scrub it in. You'll be amazed how much dirt is lifted with only 1 pass. Do this a couple times and let dry
Some of you may recall, I picked up an '06 this spring with only 44k miles. Yup, little ol' lady. Most of those miles were put on the first couple of years; after that, she began having issues with dead 12v from lack of use. Back when I sold motorcycles, I had a newbie customer pick up his brand new bike and scare himself a few blocks away dropping the bike with little damage. He had a buddy pick him up and take the bike to storage unit where it sat for years with 2 miles on it.
How does that work? 2021 is 5 years from 2016 and from 2010 it's 11 years. How is it 7 years coverage?
It looks more "gold"'to me. My parents had 2 "Sandy beach" Camrys. In fact, I just saw two Prii that color yesterday.
I have the "Old Man Harvest Beige" interior on my new Gen4. And yes, I'm an old guy. I put a small black hand towel over my center arm rest. Gives more padding, and just throw it in the wash occasionally.
As an avid Jalop, DeMuro's reviews and posts about the CarMax plan had considerable influence over my decision to purchase one. I figured that if I were to purchase a vehicle used from them, with 5,000 miles, eventually, I might need something repaired. At least now, I can get more use out of it, as opposed to someone who might already have +30,000 miles on their ODO at time of purchase.
Vehicle Manufacturers Recommend Replacement at 6 Years Tire Manufacturers' Warranties Expire at 6 Years Tire Manufacturers Recommend Replacement at 10 Years Industry Experts Recommend Replacement at 10 Years
Thanks for that. Our tires are showing some fine cracking, I'm keeping an eye on them, but don't want to bail too prematurely. The tires have lead a sheltered life, lol. The car sat when "new", likely for over a year, at the dealership, in an enclosed showroom. It was very dusty/forlorn, dead bird on the floor beside it, lol. Here it is when they'd cleaned it up: The car spends most of its time in a garage, rarely street parked. And every winter the OEM rims/tires are swapped for snows, get stowed in a breathable, UV-screening cover. Babied.