How often do you check your tire pressure? My stocks are Bridgestone Turanza 2 types. I check once every couple of weeks, but should I check more often?
Every coupla weeks is probably just fine especially if you find that the values aren't changing much. I check oil/air and glance at the fluid levels about every other tank. You're probably checking your air pressures more often than 99-percent of your fellow drivers....
Ok good haha. I drive for Uber, so I am a little more concerned about it, but it is usually ok, or maybe a tiny bit under what I Want it to be.
I second the advice to be diligent when you are entering seasonal temperature changes. And I always check in the morning before driving.
I check mine monthly. Although seasonal changes do affect the tire pressures, I keep my tires about 3psi over the recommended figure and I've never experienced more than about 1 to 1.5psi drop or rise month-to-month. If you're an Uber driver then I commend you for taking such a responsible attitude to the condition of your vehicle. But I'm rather of the opinion that the TPMS system combined with a monthly check and a daily morning walk-around of the vehicle will keep you out of any serious trouble. IMHO the benefit of actual tire pressure checks over and above that are more likely to be better tread wear and fuel economy than preventing a safety issue.
I have always checked monthly, plus every time the average temperature changes by 10 degrees, (which equals 1 p.s.i.) whichever comes first. I also made it a habit to check for a few days after hitting a major pothole (we have lots in my area), in case the wheel or tire got damaged and caused a slow leak. Only happened once, but once is enough.