For all of you performance plus package owners out there, how's your MPG's? This is our 4th Prius and my wife gets about 40-42MPG in it (doing 75-80 on the hwy 85% of the time), is this normal? I anticipated it to be a bit lower but didn't think it would be that low. I think it has to do with the tires goo, they're Pirelli's and I hate them, going to probably swap them out for a LRR Michelin fairly soon, but need to source a winter set first. Anyway, what's your MPG on your Performance Plus? Here's a pic of mine, we've had it for about 4 months now and love it. The solar roof is a very very neat thing. This should definitely last us until the Tesla 3 finally comes sometime in 2018, can't wait
I have a 2010 II. I never get below 48 mpg even in the wintertime. I just got gas and the computer mpg was 58.9. That's about 56 or 57 calculated mpg. I'm not being judgemental here, but is it possible to slow down just a bit? 75-80mph is a pretty fast average on any highway. If you spend the rest of the time running errands with a lot of short trips, then mileage will suffer as well. Just a thought.
Trust me I get it, I constantly averaged 50+ in our previous Pri's, but there's no slowing down for her 41 is still good, just surprised it's that much worse in the performance plus over the 5's we've had in the past. I do think a lot of it is falling on the tires, not a fan of those.
Tell her drive legal speeds and see how much better it is. That plus the wheels/tires that are probably not mpg friendly has to be costing several mpg.