Well, yesterday afternoon I got into my car (2009 Gen II) pressed the "START", and imagine my surprise (and sheer horror!) when I heard this (curiously familiar) wail of what sounded like a cross between a police siren and a fire-alarm. Nothing outside the car, no flashing blue or red lights or cars/trucks whizzing around, I checked the dash… …no warning lights, no large-red triangle of death! (…phew!) …and then (from the radio, which I'd left "ON" when I had last used the car ) "…and that was a test of the Emergency Broadcast System, which this station is required to do every week, blah blah blah blah blah…" Note to self: "Self, turn the bloody radio OFF before exiting the car! Your washing machine will thank you!" I mean, what are the chances! ½ sec after I pressed the START button! The weird thing was that in the dim back of my mind the alarm rang a bell (so to speak), I'd heard the damned thing so many times, but the context was totally wrong!
I just changed my notification sound to R2D2 random sounds and my speakers were full blast when I get a text and about shit myself.... it was the one where artoo screams.... also I can't count how many times Amber alerts have scared me half to death by going off at 2am...
That's funny! Sorry you got the fright. Fortunately, that's never happened to me with the Prius. I rarely use the radio, opting to rotate CDs through the changer all the time. I did change my cell phone notifications to less serious things as it did scare me a few times. Now it either rings the Jetson's doorbell, plays the Meow Mix commercial or the "My dog's better than your dog" from Ken-L-Ration.