Cleaning out some of my dad's old stuff. Found three of these. I don't imagine anyone under age 55 -- or those from the frozen tundra of BC Canada would know what they are, but they kind of bring back somewhat unpleasant memories of driving across the Mojave in July. Any other such things that are uniquely automotive, but have sort of passed away (though, who knows, maybe these are still popular).
don't give them away, they could be worth a tidy sum. have you watched american pickers? i barely remember driving through las vegas, at 8 years old in the summer of '64 on a cross country trip. car took a beating from the sand storms. i think they gave us a water bag when we filled up before crossing the desert.
We had a suede canteen laying around the house when I was a kid. Works on the same principle as canvas, and predates the canvas by several thousand years in human history. We now have collapsible plastic jugs. They won't cool the water, but you won't lose any to evaporation either.
I tried to post an image, but apparently it did not work. Oh, well, at least the post went through.... People are selling these things USED at $60!!! Awk. I better look around some more! Yeah, they are sort of cool -- and they bring back not so cool memories LOL, but $60!!
I've at least heard of them....but really don't have room in my pack for one, what with all the ice climbing equipment I need to carry. Including an axe to chop down through the ice, hopefully far enough to find some flowing water.
Today walking through a local mini mall with a big asphalt parking lot, some near-black treatment on the sidewalks, and all-glass storefronts, it felt about 100F. Our poor Shiba,in his fur coat, was just tuffin' it out, lol.