all. In the process of removing the passenger's side trim in the back to get at the HV battery fan, I discovered a wire that didn't look like it had been routed like Toyota would have done it. I was careful not to disturb it, but now see that it leads to a small hard plastic box behind the antenna on the roof. Looking at similar cars advertised on Craig's List, I don't see it on anyone else's car. The previous owner had mentioned that he had purchased a piece of electronics to hack the navigation system, allowing for input of a destination with the car moving, but I thought that consisted only of an extra chip that was wired into the DVD drive under the driver's seat. If it's not related to that, I don't know what it is. I'm hoping he hasn't put a tracker on it to come and retrieve it with his extra remote when I'm not looking! (kidding) Does anyone have a guess as to what it is?
Follow the wire and see where it goes? Then unplug/disconnect it? It is definitely not oem, and it might be disturbing the seal on the weatherstripping where it passes through the top of the hatch.
> Ok, that gives me a good reason to at least try to pull it off and have a look at it. Only having owned the car a couple of months, and being perfectly happy with it so far, I've been very reluctant to start poking into things of which I have no knowledge. I hope I don't end up regretting this. ;-)
> Not oem though, right? The Nav works fine as far as I can see, except I still can't seem to choose a destination when the car is moving. There is some documentation with the piece of hardware/software the previous owner added, although it didn't seem to be too informative. I'll take another look at that, at least.
No logo or text on it? How's it held on? Maybe something on the underside? (Boy, site's running on empty right now: weird display problems, hit-or-miss trying to load pages.)
Because it is not hidden, it is probably not a LoJack-style theft tracking system. I would guess some sort of non-OEM GPS system. Did his hack apply to the OEM nav, or was it really a separate nav?
Serious response: My best guesses are GPS antenna module/chip or satellite radio, or perhaps an antenna for another kind of radio (shortwave, etc.)
That's an old school XM receiver. It should have " ( ( ( XM ) ) ) " engraved into it like this: I would NOT remove it if the aesthetics outside do not hurt. These are attached with double sided sticky tape and/or a magnetic base. The paint that it has been hiding has been shielded from the sunlight for however many years. When you remove it, I can almost guarantee it will be a different colour and that would annoy the crap out of me. Ontop of that, the weatherseal that the wire goes through has adapted. It was bent and disfigured so the wire could go up through it, and sealed around the wire. You remove this wire, and that weather stripping that has been bent for a decade, will not just spring back to like new, and most likely will become a brand new entry point for water leaking into the car. Why remove it??? I have a similar one in a similar spot for Sirius. I cancelled all my satellite radio subscriptions a few months ago, but those receivers are staying there. if you do remove it for whoever knows what reason, you can sell them for a pretty penny. They are usually hard to find independent of the radio itself. When I broke one of my antennas I had to buy a whole new radio ($120) just to get the stupid antenna that otherwise only came in an installation kit for $150... But the new radio came with the radio AND the antenna... Go figure.
Our Garmin Satellite Navigation System doesn't need anything like that, everything's in the unit. You can just carry it around, for that matter. Yeah, some alternate communication device??
Yes the GenII Prius navigation system is a DVD based unit under the driver seat. The JBL amp goes under the passenger seat. You can even see the wire cutouts for it in the carpet if you don't have navigation.
Ok, I haven't quite removed it yet, because I don't think it is compromising the seal on the hatch. The wire runs under the rubber seal and then exits with a very small bump right before it connects to the box (photos attached). I don't want to disconnect it until I find out a little more about it and I'm afraid if I disturb the wire as it is, I might be the one who causes the leaking seal. The box slides around on the roof if I push it, seems to be held on by a strong magnet. When I look at the underside, I see the letters "GCB", but nothing else anywhere on it. I was going to just drop it down through the hatch, and then maybe disconnect the wire, but it's too big to fit through the opening between the top of the hatch and the roof. I'm looking at the documentation for the Nav system hack from Coastal Electronic Technologies, and it seems to be nothing more than a wire patched between the DVD player and the MFD, no mention of a black box to be installed elsewhere.
Thanks for all your comments. As 2k1Toaster said, I came to the conclusion that I was more likely to damage the seal than not by attempting to remove it, so I will leave it unless someone can positively identify it as a source of possible trouble in the future. Picture of seal attached, I had meant to include that earlier.
Mine looks very similar, except for the XM marking. I am receiving a satellite radio signal, although I don't have a subscription. I hear Top 40 music interspersed with commercials trying to get me to subscribe. I often listen to it anyway because the sound quality seems to be superior to the regular FM stations. I would have thought that the OEM satellite radio had its own antenna. Is it possible this enhances the signal somehow?
Possible. I have not personally disassembled the antenna to know exactly what is up there. But it is my understanding that the roof-mount antenna (stick or sharkfin) contains the AM/FM antenna, XM Antenna, and GPS Antenna. Apparently the built in XM antenna wasn't that great compared to a standalone and there were people who actually installed an aftermarket XM antenna on the roof, and spliced into the factory XM wiring to make that the used antenna. And then people like myself who had Sirius, the antennas were incompatible so I had to put an aftermarket on there. The sound quality on most of the big stations are superior to most local AM/FM stations. Some of the talk stations are extremely compressed, but honestly they're compressed because very few people listen to them. Same reason why the Home Shopping channel isn't being streamed in 4K HDR to your satellite/cable TV company, it would be a waste of bandwidth. Sirius merged with XM, screwed up many of the channels and DJ's, and then took away the stations I listened to. So after 10 years of paying them about $150/mo for 18 vehicles, I cancelled them all. Free internet radio streamed over bluetooth I can get the channels I want for free.
That looks exactly like the Toyota installed xm antenna that I had on my 2007. Except mine sat on a base that protected the paint.
>there were people who actually installed an aftermarket XM antenna on the roof, and spliced into the factory XM wiring to make that the used antenna. Definitely sounds like something I don't want to mess with then. Thanks for adding to my understanding.