Hi all - I had a 2013 prius that I liked EXCEPT for 2 things : there was no squeegee effect when rolling down the window to remove rain and condensation, and the beeping noise the car makes while in reverse. I believe the latter issue can be resolved by the dealership. CAN ANYONE CONFIRM if the window design flaw was resolved on later year models???
sometimes that molding gets old and doesn't work properly. I bought new molding for all my windows, about $30 each one.
Sooooo, what are you asking? Are you on the fence about buying another Prius based on windows and beeps???
Lol yes exactly. I miss my prius but for a brand new car I don't want to sacrifice these 2 annoyances a second time around True but it's been referred to as such several times in this forum so I just quickly referred to it as such
huh I never looked at the window. But, if it's engineered to drain water through it, as all door should to at least some degree, then why does it matter? I guess I just don't see how this is an issue.
Nope. The moulding stays clear of the windows. I'm not sure why this is an issue. If anything, it's a plus cause if I wind down the window after washing the car, I don't get streak marks when I wind the window back up because the moulding is wet. Now, I get a dry window.
Just get some Aquapel (easy to find online) and treat all your windows. Lasts a decent time and reduces the need to have a squeegee effect from the moldings.
I get some minor streak marks on my driver's window if I lower it / raise it too soon after washing. But it's not a big deal at all. Using Rain-X to clean the windows helps a lot to prevent water marks.
. Okay thanks for sharing. What year is your prius if I may ask? The problem I'm referring to is that the molding isn't close enough to the window, so in the morning when there is condensation or on a rainy day where there is precipitation on the windows, i couldn't get rid of it by simply putting the window up and down like most cats. I think there are a few people who responded that didn't understand quite what the issue wwas that I referred to keep thinking I should wait for a rainy day to test drive but my curiosity is Running.
I remember doing that lol. My 2010 has water-repellent front windows (factory option) so all I need to do is drive and the water beads away! (or just blow on the window and the water droplets will fall quickly.
You can turn the beeping off with the Carista app or its easy to negotiate the dealer to do it for free. Took mine about 4 minutes to turn off.