So, apparently the phrase the second amendment is your friend does not mean much. I post a thread in GEN II asking advice about tire wear and mentioned the old standby Lincoln, Washington and seeing the tops of their heads to measure treadwear -- to be a bit topical, I added Trump, but in no way was it a political thread. Now, it has been changed to "Coins for treadwear" or something like that and some of the thread, which really had no political noise has been removed (a post by Patrick Wong asking about mileage and MPG). REALLY. The board officials cannot answer any questions about why the board is working like ****, but they can censor an innocent tire post. Sorry, guys, I assume this post will disappear quickly too, but so am I. I will not put up with it. I enjoyed it while it lasted. I guess I am joining S. Keith. Steve Woods
and dr. kevorlian. he got fed up last year. miss his witticisms. if it was my fault for reiterating trump, i apologize. ai! they deleted my witticism!
Steve thank you for your posts and input I guess a mod was trying to depoliticize even innocent election year banter
So you posted In Gen II a post that should have been in Fred's House of Politics, then want to discuss it in Fred's House of Pancakes when it is a Website Issue? PriusChat Website Questions | PriusChat I begin to see why they are changing your posts.
Steve, I actually was following the post about tires. I had some concerns that dovetailed. I think the moderator was totally out of line, I think your post here is totally perfect. I think I may follow your lead. I am not sure what is happening to this forum, but it is not the forum I joined 10 years ago. Sorry, Danny. I guess it got too big and topsy..
I've seen another thread which mentioned Trump in jest get moved to the politics sub-section before. With the election year, it seems they adopted a zero tolerance approach on such.
I'm not sure what the right to keep and arm bears has to do with it, but if you're referring to the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (my emphasis), it says nothing about what a private venue such as PriusChat may or may not do.
I may be wrong, in general But, what I am thinking is that some people such as the OP here may be a little over-sensitive because Web site issues have been going on for quite awhile, but the site owner/moderators are totally silent about them. In the meantime, deleting innocent informative postings -- when a quick warning to avoid a topic might actually be a better approach. I know that while trying to post yesterday, I would type a word and move on four more words before the first word even appeared on the screen -- it was not my computer. Very frustrating. When site problems first started happening we got the message that Danny was busy, new baby, etc. Had no time. Then we see a trip to Japan and a big write-up, but still no word about web problems. We are all adults, I think even a message saying "hey, nothing we can do about costs too much" while not liked would at least be understood. But, no we don't even get that. And, that's about all I have on the issue. I'll try to post when I can and will even behave myself and not say mean things about poodles or about the site anymore. Just my thought. kris
ssdesigner: Minnesota? Where? I just back to Oregon from two years of exile to Ames, Iowa. Went up north across the Minnesota border more than a few times looking for warmer weather
LOL.....a search for "warmer weather" here can be, how do I I'm in the Twin Cities. Most people that know me question my Prius purchase; I had an '09 Camry and loved it. My work commute from Roseville to Mpls is 1.2 miles. I grew up in southern MN, so I know Ames! You poor girl, lol How do you like Oregon?
Love Oregon, grew up here. Then I felt locked into a career path that was going nowhere in my mid-20s, so with lots of talking and help, including some wise counseling from Patrick Wong here on PriusChat, I decided to tweak my career a bit and did a two-year stint working for a research firm in Ames. So, after adjusting to temps that at times hit 50-below in Ames (with windchill), I found it was not so bad (Actually, it was, I'm lying). So, when I had the chance, back to Oregon with a better job, better pay, but not quite the free and easy lifestyle I had before. Hey, we all have to grow-up <POUT>.
I bet this would get way more official response in PriusChat Website Questions | PriusChat than here. This assumes you want answers.
I think that you GROSSLY overestimate the mod, owners and attention to this forum. To think that "proper placement" of a question gets a faster response is, IMHO, laughable.