Hi! New to the forum, but I've been lurking since I got my '07 Prius last year with 150k on it. It now has 170k and I just finished a cross country drive from Oregon to New York. Before I left I had a tune-up that included a system check, oil change, and tranny fluid change. (Around 166K miles) On my way over I started to hear a lot of metallic clanging. Like marbles in a jar or something like that. It's not the engine though because in park when i rev the engine there are no unusual sounds. I can hear it when I drive next to a building when the sound ricochets back at me. Also, on occasion, the car will shudder forward in park when I push the gas pedal and then let it back off. I also have been experiencing, what feels like, mild vibration in the gas pedal. Not just from the road, but as if something is vibrating in the engine bay. Today, I got out and looked under the car and saw this leak which I think may be burnt transmission fluid, but am not completely sure. Maybe a trans axle seal leak? The car uses a little oil but not much. Mileage is 171K now. Any input would be great! Thank you!
yes. it was a hybrid shop and I saw that they stocked the toyota brand ATF on the shelf. i could only assume at least....however it's a well-rated shop so i trusted them.
it might not even be related. have them drive it and see what they think. at 170k, there are so many possibilities.
Like you said, it could be a failing oil seal, at one of the cv joints. Follow the oil up, maybe one side or the other is the source.
i have an appointment at a Toyota dealership in queens. they are going to do free recall work on the water pump and a couple other things. Im going to ask them to check everything out. I just hate the dealer because I know they aren't cheap and often times tell you something needs work when it doesn't...damn scare tactics. My appointment is on the 15th so basically I am just hoping nothing catastrophic happens. I usually drive less than 50 miles a day.
Like bisco said, check for fluid at the fill hole, car should be level. I would top up asap if low, ie: you can't feel any.
1. The oil stain looks more like engine oil than ATF. 2. As other posters have suggested, the oil level of the engine as well as the transaxle both need to be checked to make sure you do not have a problem with that. 3. Clean off the oil stain using engine degreaser spray and water, then wait for the stain to reappear and hopefully it will be easier to detect its source.