I call myself a data wonk. I suppose some might consider me a nerd. None of the ads seem offensive, however. I generally don't rely much on advertising to sway my decisions. I check the data first and then ask people who have relevant owner experience.
Agreed, 100%. I identify as a nerd, and see no shame in it. I'm actually surprised at several posts here that seem offended or the need to distance themselves from these labels. Get real, lol....it's been 10 years since the term geek or nerd has been offensive to us nerds.
I would be labeled a nerd having written computer training manuals and taught computer software since the mid 80's. I am an early adopter of tech and have owned all three major platforms of smartphone and use Mac, Windows and Linux os's. Currently an IT Analyst but have no problem with the nerd label. It's made me a lot of money and I'm very popular with friends and family when their devices start acting up j
Me too. I gotta be nuts for trying to squeeze 6'4", and 260 lbs of Old Man into a little Prius! I tried to get into the back seat yesterday. Holy Cow, I couldn't even lift my head up straight; it was bent at a 45-degree angle. And I had to shove the passenger seat all the way forward just to get in. There is no stinkin way that 3 adults could sit comfortably in the back of a Prius! I just don't believe it. (Yet you see all these Prius taxis! How'd on they do it?!)
Targeting the 30ish year olds who are still driving their parents old Volvo station wagon they took to college? Not ads for West Virginia that's for sure. Thought they were cute.
It's human nature to place everything into a category. Unfortunately, this tends to be unfair and generally incorrect. I just look at this ad and smile. If some people feel better looking at Prius owners as being one of a few stereotypical choices, then whatever. I've always been comfortable making choices regardless of what other people think. I think this is the case for most Prius owners.
agreed. the problem for toyota is not what we think, but what the other 99% of drivers think. and from a sales point of view, apparently not much. but all companies have this problem. vdub is marketing the heck out of things right now, trying to move some of the carp off their lots. and their advertising is generally a lot better than their vehicles.
I bought the car just because it was a hatchback that was bigger than a Yaris, and got better MPG than the Matrix. I've even actually had people compliment my car in traffic. Driving ~30k miles a year, I like just saving money on gas.
I'd guess that these ads are specifically aimed at California markets, not national. Still, I fit into all three (although nerd and weirdo more than hippie). Oh, and hipster and hippie are two very different things.
I don't think there is TV ad for the German market either. How can they even hope to sell it then...?
I'm pretty sure I'm a nerd and a weirdo. Then this year I grew my hair out and regularly sport a manbun. I guess that makes me all three. (And I'm poised to get a Gen4.)
I'm a wannabe hippie; born too late. Would love a VW bus with Prius drivetrain. I bought the Prius because I like the practicality of a hatchback, Toyota reliability, hybrid economy, and I can take a nap in it during lunch with the A/C on without running the engine. And I can use it as a generator for my house when the power goes out.
None of the above. As someone once said in a forum "the cash register at the local gas station is a collection box for Al Qaeda." This is my way of flipping terrorists the bird. I don't watch that much TV, but have yet to see any ads for Prius here in the midwest. You'd think they'd want to show them where the car isn't so popular, instead of Cali where the cars sell so well.