Let's see if we can make this nation wide we are pretty cool crew to be able to drive a Prius that gets awesome gas mileage and why not wave at one another let's create a wave and spread the word to everybody who drives one Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I think you are about a decade too late. Some early Prius owners did this when the cars were scarce. But now that we see another Prius just about every other minute, this is simply impractical.
Most Prius drivers already wave at me as I pass them at a high rate of speed. They do save a lot of energy as they only wave with 1 finger.
All that wave would do to Prius owners around here is confuse them. Instead of associating it with the car, they'll be confused wondering where you know each other from. There are simply too many of them around here driven by all sorts of people who see them as reasonably cheap transportation and they are not enthusiasts in any way, shape or form. One thing I do often though when I find myself in our 2008 next to a 2016 at a stoplight is to point to the car and give a thumb up. Most of the time they understand and smile in return.
instead of waving, i swing the steering wheel back and forth, so the car waves. i have received some interesting responses.
In this neck of the woods, so to speak, if you drive a pickup truck its a requirement to wave when you pass anyone...