Yeah, looks online to me too but I didn't install. It was highlighted as a newly installed app. If Windows did it for me, whatever. I like it. The fireworks effects when you win a game is quite annul grade from the confetti graphics in the previous version.
I'm not clear, did you do clean install? I did, was expecting to see a very empty drive, but it retained a lot of folders I had in C:/. Still, wiped everything in my doc's and it's buddies. I do backup, to second internal drive.
You can't with an upgrade from 7. Microsoft needs to know you have a legitimate OS before they give you Win 10. Therefore, I had to do the upgrade. The next step would be to do a clean install after the windows 10 key is tied to your hardware. What I was saying was this step was unnecessary because unlike the other upgrades I did on laptops, my desktop was and is performing admirably. From your description, you didn't do a clean install either. I think during the install, it said something like keep everything or delete windows. I chose to keep everything.
Anyone have a recommendation for a decent email program for win 10? I might go with Mozilla thunderbird, had an abysmal time attempting to import a .csv contacts file with it, but at this point I might give it another try, it's ok otherwise. I'm willing to just rebuild contacts at this point, it was mostly bloat anyway. The only program I got to sort of import .csv was em client, and when I attempted a test email (literally, just the word test) it first told me it couldn't send it since it contained misspelled French, and on retry: misspelled Norwegian. Microsoft has really scr@wed the puppy on this one: their built in email "app" is ugh. My impression is that pretty much everyone has thrown in the towel and gone to webmail. Maybe I should just go with the flow too, not sure. Rambling, lol.
Google mail is the best so far and then Hotmail by MS. Also your cable company will give you a free email box. My yahoo gets hacked on a regular basis. Have thought about killing it. BTW you can still download those games from some sites. Just not sure how safe they are.
Can't remember as I upgraded from 8.1 but that upgrade gave me 3 choices. Clean, save everything, just save files. Be sure to recreate your short cuts on your desktop.
Got all my games back/can't say if the site is bug free. Used Major Geeks Download Windows 7 Games For Windows 10 Win7G4Win810_[]_…zip (170,98 MB) - Windows 10 Here Download Windows 7 Games For Windows 10 - MajorGeeks
BTW/ I did this because all you perfect folks have helped me since 2009 for every issue with a Prius. It is payback time. Many thanks, I never play games on my laptop but might start/
I gave Mozilla thunderbird a second try, and would say I'm happy with it now. This is for old school server based email. @ETP the game package you show in above is what I installed. Just watch: last step of install offers some optimizer nonsense.
I use Thunderbird and am very happy with it. It is so long since I moved from Outlook that I don't remember anything about importing contacts. But it must have worked OK! You only do the migration once, so have some patience.
Yeah a lot of the contacts were hopelessly out of date too. This morning I see the program sort of "mined" sender name and email from all the emails downloaded. And seems to auto complete addresses as I start typing. I think I was mostly sleep deprive yesterday, lol. All in all thunderbird seems pretty smooth and intuitive.
Well today on both me my wife's newly minted Win 10 systems, I updated my RoboCopy batch file, basically used to mirror certain c: folders to d:. On my pc: 1. Windows had decided to "protect" c:\util, where I put the batch file. So I edited it, tried to save, and...: full stop. Anyway, about an hour's research later, this came to my rescue: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 Fix for Win10 folders in c:\ not being editable: AmirMahmood1 replied on August 3, 2015See post history This fixes the issue permanently. Even after you reboot the changes remain. Go to file explorer C:\Users and right click on your username Then select properties Then select Security Then select Advanced Then click enable Inheritance <greyed out, until you click adjacent button It will take a minute to alter all the changes *While I'm there I would also give full control to the groups that dont have it. Above fix credit goes to another member not me 2. So now I'm out of the woods? No: Windows has decided that the folders "My Music" and "My Videos" are special/protected, and won't allow me to copy them to another drive, and hangs the batch file. Not delete, not rename, just copy. Groan. Anyway, never use them, problem solved. Then I head over to my wife's pc, ready for c:\util being protected, and...: it's not. Ok..., this will be a walk in the park now. And I know better than to try to copy "My Music" and "My Videos", that's verboten, I'm fine with that. So I'll just edit the batch so it's just "My documents" (actual DOS name is "Documents"). What could go wrong...: Batch files hangs, again! What now? It's warning me I'm trying to copy: "...My Documents/My Videos" and: "...My Documents/My Music" My problem, neither of those folders are (to all appearances) sub-folders of "My Documents". At least not according to Windows Explorer, or by check in a DOS shell, what the hell. All I can figure is there's some nefarious redirection of directory structure, not for the eyes of mortals. Anyway, I added exclusion switches to the RoboCopy command, exclude those apparently imaginary folders, and everything's working.
Anyone have win10 freeze while in Edge browser? It's happened several times now, keyboard/mouse unresponsive, had to reboot.