I would love to dump MS totally. My cousin who is a techo-geek has offered to set-up my home computer totally with all Non-MS software, etal, but my wife refuses. Living here in MS land, the whole entitlement thing of the Gates' boys and girls gets a bit overwhelming.
Source: Customer wins $10K judgment from Microsoft over unauthorized Windows 10 upgrade | Computerworld Bob Wilson
Win 10 is fine. Using it on all my computers as well as my son and several Win 10 phones. Must be installed and setup correctly. If you can, choose a clean install and keep nothing in the selection menu. Multiple anti virus programs and bloat ware form Dell, HP etc are most likely not compatible. If you can't do that then uninstall all anti virus software of any kind as well as all bloat ware before starting. That is what I did. Set-up Turn off flash player in advanced settings Disable Skype if you do not use it. Create shortcuts on your desk top for your needed stuff like My computer, control panel, etc Enjoy and MS makes a quality product folks and is used by all government agencies, most schools, most work places. Why=interoperability Is it perfect? No, and nothing is BTWExactly, upgrade now while you can.
Anyone else noting the little warning triangle: Right-clicking the icon shows nothing untowards. And there's no "message" about it, clicking the flag icon. In another week or two the free upgrade (supposedly) opportunity expires, time will tell.
I think I am going to make the upgrade now. My grandkids use the computer a lot, and I like the idea of getting a touch screen monitor for them. Works with a touch screen, right? Our laptop accidentally got the auto upgrade, and we are having a few probs with it, but my wife said let's leave well enough alone when I went to reverse the upgrade. It was terrifying enough without trying to get back to where we were.
Found this, regarding the warning triangle: Get Windows 10 app now shows a countdown to July 29; icon shows an alert
You can always go to the site VFR direct to the end of the runway. Windows 10 How to Upgrade to Windows 10 - Microsoft
Thanks. Did you do a fresh install, or just upgrade? Well, done it. Clean install. Battled with "Edge" for a bit, then while googling how to use it discovered Internet Explorer is still in there, so all sorted now.
Sorry, I was at the movie watching Star Trek. I was going to recommend a clean install unless you had an important license for SW that you needed to keep. Clean will get 99% of the stuff off your HD. Be careful as some anti virus programs dig in real deep and it takes a lot to get rid of them completely. Some of these I consider a Virus. Strongly recommend you only use the built in Micro soft ant-virus (Defender) and if you need more then uninstall the additional software after each use and reactivate Defender.
Just performed the upgrade on my main desktop computer. I am so thoroughly impressed, I think I am going to just leave it this way. I had previously had bad experience with upgrades, having to do clean installs to get it working well. I also had no intention of keeping 10 on my desktop and would put 7 back on after I registered my copy of 10. Seems like Microsoft has worked out the upgrade kinks. My SSD recovered about 20 gb of space (main reason why I am so impressed).
Be advised guys that at one time Defender did not work with any other antivirus installed. Defender would disable itself until you disabled the other antivirus. Let me know if they fixed that as all government employees did use MacAfee as Norton was Chinese owned at one time. May no longer be true as that is very old info. Military still uses MacAfee which is free if you downloaded before retirement (which I did not). Loved SpyBot but had to stop using that also. Spybot - Search & Destroy Anti-malware & Antivirus Software This site will hurt your brain. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/protect/forum/protect_defender-protect_scanning/id-like-to-hear-how-windows-defender-is-different/fa5be890-a5ef-42ad-a3bb-98bc31a61060
^ I rest my case, lol. Not the same, MS has gone to Vegas. Addendum: Winaero has a win7 game collection available, that plays in subsequent Win iterations. Works fine. Puts all games in a "Games" folder, from which you can create links/shortcuts, etc. But, be VERY careful though, when downloading, lots of junk on the site, only click on the .zip link relating to windows games. Also, last step of install, untick the box for some sort of "optimizer".
Hill Climb Racing – Windows Games on Microsoft Store Looks interesting Cooking Fever – Windows Games on Microsoft Store World of Tanks Blitz – Windows Games on Microsoft Store
I've been using the built-in antivirus stuff from Microsoft. They keep changing the name. I can see in notifications Windows 10 disabled Security client and enabled Defender for me. Wasn't the first iteration called Defender on XP? What's old is new again. I don't use third party because Microsoft has done a good enough job for me. Are the games gone? I see a new Windows Solitaire collection in my menu. It's all I play, so I'm good. Oooh 5 different solitaires...