Mazda man was tailgating, and so you intimidated with a deadly weapon? And, both of you were going nearly double the speed limit. Absolutely nuts.
Sure, Of course Prius drivers can get road rage.... But I personally find that driving a Prius is a de-stresser, is zen like, and causes me to relax as I sit back and relax and do my regen braking, coasting, Gliding and watching the Phenomenal mpg's getting displayed On the other hand my blood pressure always raises a few points when I have to bare witness to people that do not use turning signals, people who plant them selves in the far left fast lane at or below the speed limit and never leave said lane (PASS LEFT / DRIVE RIGHT)! Oh and of course lest we forget the texters, make up appliers, bowl of cereal eaters, etc, etc...
Generally I'm more relaxed as a Prius driver, but yesterday I called a guy an A-hole after he raced up along side me on a merging onramp expecting I would just hit my brakes and let him cut me off. Instead I maintained course and speed, which is what my obligation is, and allowed him to decide if he would collide with me as the lane narrowed, or back off himself. I suspect he just has something against being behind a Prius, but that's his problem, not mine. My problem is being behind A-holes. My wife had to remind me that 2 wrongs don't make a right. That's why I married her; that and she is very attractive. Oh, and this happened just minutes after someone in a truck rear-ended me in stop and go traffic. I wasn't mad at all when that happened because the guy didn't intend to be a jerk, and likely learned to pay more attention next time.
Your wife probably cares about you! (Hey, it doesn't always go without saying!) She would, no doubt, absolutely love the opting for defensive driving! Being wrapped in 1.5 tons of steel, rubber, and glass sure doesn't make me feel invincible at highway speeds, where a brush can cause catastrophic loss of control.
I'm totally confused here! I'm way old, but to me an "SLR" is a Single Lens Reflex camera, which you could use to trigger a flash and, taking pics in burst mode, have a series of flashes plus a pictorial record of the other driver, car, and license plate number. That made some sense to me. But am I incorrect and the SLR meant the poster was waving around a weapon of some sort? If so, what was the source of the flashes? Laser sighting? Muzzle flashes? Having great difficulty mentally reconstructing the event in question. Inadequate imagination, probably . However, I did have a guy here in Virginia a couple years back zip past me on a local road waving a pistol out the driver's side window. Saw a cop a short time later and pulled over just to ask if that was legal in Virginia as I was new here. He said "God no!" and peeled out in that direction. Not sure what that was all about, either.
I hope you're right; I need clarity, too! With the context, I thought SLR meant Self-Loading Rifle. Still no excuse for 60 in a 35.
Do Prius drivers get road rage...? Hell yeah! I've seen the Good Humor Man get road rage. Here in L. A. You can get flipped off by a car full of Nuns... In a Prius.
In my area, I'm seeing many more drivers who ignore stop signs. Run red lights. And drivers that don't come to a full stop at a red signal before making a right turn. They just blow right through. I nearly broadsided a young woman in a Range Rover yesterday, when she failed to stop before turning right at a red signal. She was looking right at me, but still blew through the light. I see that quite often, just a total disregard for traffic rules. (Or probably another talking/texting distracted driver. Now the number 1 cause of accidents, surpassing drunk idiots.)