Okay .. Okay He was driving on the Interstate, intending to continue on the Interstate, but when he approached an Exit, (presumably) the car sense the exit line turning off the the right, and he had to grab the wheel and correct the mis-direction. Is that any clearer?
completely. it's not a self driving car, i think you are supposed to stay awake and hands on the wheel.
shucks - i was hoping this would legitimize back seat driving . . . . no need to even occupy the front seat . . . . maybe nap, and wake up refreshed upon reaching your destination ! ! .
Autonomous cars need to have a display that shows what the car sees and which path it's taking. It would prevent a lot of near misses and accidents.
I wonder if the driver happened to be singing that song by "The Doors" ; Show me the way to the next whiskey bar .
You guys are terrible LOL Seriously, I think the point is that the technology of self-driving cars may be almost there, but drivers are not (back seat driving, napping, watching videos and etc.) Personally, I'd be significantly more interested in a device that would steer the car to the side of the road and disable it when a driver falls asleep, or alcohol / drugs are detected, or when entering the wrong way on an exit ramp (all of which occurs too frequently in our area) Driving an automobile is a major responsibility to those in the car and others that are encountered along the road. I'm not interested in any device that diverts the drivers attention, or enables the driver to become inattentive to his responsibilities.
They should have an Autonomous vehicle Darwin Award. If you do the following and crashed, you've earned yourself the award.
Must be a drag when you can't blame your failure on a driver-assist or collision avoidance machine. Gee no one left .... I guess that means someone's going to have to sue these video game software manufacturers. You don't expect the poor victim/game players to accept responsibility do you? .
Amazon went about 20 years, and now they are making hand over fist. You seem to not understand business very well, at least businesses of this nature.
- no one here gets a gold star for regurgitating the same mantra over & over & over again. But don't let that stop u. So whadya think has Tesla made any money yet? No? Wow! They can only keep it going for so long eh? Who knew! Thanks for the pearls of wisdom! Funny how the naysayers roll when it comes to Tesla. Tesla could stop pouring tons of cash into scores of superchargers every year - just so they could show big profit - then of course, the cry would switch to, "how stupid is this company, there aren't enough chargers ... they can't last much longer." "the end is near" And then comes the next zinger; "see? hydrogen's the same thing - lots of money lost too - hydrogen just needs more time too - lookin forward to the next repeat .
you mean like whining about how toyota says no one ever knocks on their door, asking them to make a bev?
I'm gona have to go back & figure out what bisco's pet peeve is. On a serious note though - my pet peeve is more generic than "4hrs to kill - my peeve is big biz dishonesty ... whether it raises its ugly head via the lie, "in just 10 more years" ... or the even greater lie . . . . & I say greater because lies that are half-truths are harder to stamp out - and require greater effort because you have to segregate the truth from the cancerous dishonest part. A good example is gm's ex leader bob lutz (prepare for repeat) when he claims there's no money in electric cars. Truth is there's less easy money. It's like saying there's no money in oil because Chevron Oil et-al, make no money - evidenced by the fact oil companies pay no income tax - when in reality that's because they zero out, by shoveling all the money back into everything from accountants to attorneys, to profit sharing, to dividends - r&d, dry hole drilling, toxic cleanups, advertising, payroll, executive compensation, their powerfull lobby - etc, & on & on. Hey, I can roll with it. Sure! 10 more years - yay! I can't wait! .
there are way too many to count. you can start with the troubles posting on this website, then move on to the 4 seat, small hatch prime. i have so many problems with you people, we're going to have to get out the festivus pole.