Does anyone still have HOV stickers for sale for my 08 Prius? Please email me directly at [email protected] Thanks. Looking to get them this week if possible
Or does anyone know if they are selling them on Ebay or some other site? I dont care if they are real or not....
In California, those invalid HOV stickers on your Prius 'c' should really stick out like a sore thumb to anyone familiar with Prius history. A police officer with such familiarity will know it is a fraud without having to look at its serial numbers or ask for your paperwork. The 'c' would have been eligible only for the yellow stickers. But those were all used up and then expired before the 'c' came to market. The 'c' simply isn't eligible for the white or green stickers, period.
Toyota of Orange has a couple white regular 3rd gen Prius Liftbacks with Green HOV Stickers on them in the employee lot. I think I saw 2 or 3 last time I was there (I try to avoid that stealership at all costs).
Are you sure that they are not Plug-In Prii? Green stickers are valid on the PIP, but not on any other Prius variant. If they put those stickers on a regular (non-PIP) Liftback, they are committing fraud.
I am 100% sure they are NOT the PiP, and have pictures somewhere on my phone of them. They're not very good at hiding their fraud...