I managed to get into it once (not bad or anything, but it was one of those less-than-cordial exchanges you see here every now and then) with Steve not too long ago. He's an engineer. I'm an engineer. It happens. I can certainly see why you would make the assumptions you do. It's too bad that he was such a knowledgeable contributor, but as you said, the forum will go on.
I have a sense that this is just about exhausted by now, but a day or two before OP here, I thought, "This guy seems touchy." Time to move on. See you in another thread!
apologize for the bad advice, apparently, the offending posts were deleted. i would repeat them for you, but it seems like bad form.
S. Keith helped me out extensively -- and I do mean extensively -- a few months ago via PM. I really appreciated and needed his help. I also appreciate this forum. But, it has also slipped down extensively in the past several months. Not circling the drain, but... Anyway, I am a bit upset by all this. One thing, we all hail the forum. Even me. But....Danny, in the past couple of months has seemed to have thrown us under the bus. No communication other than "a new baby." Hmmm. Went through that a couple of times, but did not put me out for months (of course, there could be more to it). Yes, was a great forum and is still trying to be one, but someone has also made some cash from it. Was it pocket change or several thousand USD a month, I have no idea (would be curious to know though). At any rate, guess I am just rambling... we will never know without a message from Danny -- which I truly believe we deserve -- and sooner rather than later. In the meantime, sorry to S. Keith leave. Really sorry.
I'm like "prime?" Like Amazon Prime? Then, I sort of remember, Prius Prime. So, I go and look and now I am even a little more ticked. Posting away about a junket, but no message, at least that I have seen, about all the issues "back at the ranch." Well, I will leave this subject alone from now on.....probably spouted off too much already.
Sorry to hear this but fully understand: Been there, done that, took a vacation. I have a special interest in Prius accidents and Prius safety. It is so strong I skipped the 2016 Prius because TSS-P is not an option on the Level 2 ECO and that also opened a door to another ride. Regardless, at one time, I was sharing details about fatal Prius and backover accidents oblivious to the angst it apparently was causing. Then I got an 'ultimatum'. Smart contributors have ears that work as well as our fingers. It is why we often have technical skills because we learn new technology and practice it. Certainly, moderators have a thankless task but as a bad joke my Dad once told me,"The difference between rape and rapture ... salesmanship." There are effective ways to change user behavior but I'm Southern and edicts ... a poorly crafted correction can be worse than the original issue. When we owned a 2003 Prius, @S Keith brought valuable technical skills and postings. So when we gave our 03 Prius to our housekeeper and I left the 2001-03 forum, I knew there would be continuity of @S Keith technical content. Perhaps not 'Bob style' but close enough. So I'll offer this, @S Keith call it a 'vacation' and play in other sandboxes ... there are a lot of them and a lot of fun. If you come back, good, if not: Bob Wilson
As someone who has had his ****** whacked by a moderator, I can understand why Steve deleted his contributions. In the relatively short time he was here he helped a lot of people. Sure, he could be abrasive at times but he would usually make nice when called on it. Priuschat is Danny's playground and he makes the rules. I suppose you could say Danny has the unassailable authority of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, the Senior Drill Instructor at Parris Island, SC in the movie Full Metal Jacket who stated: "Here you are all equally worthless and my orders to the moderators are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps! Steve turned in his DOR. And he will be missed.
I'm a pretty abrasive person. I acknowledge and understand that. As someone who grew up in the era of forums, and is/has been a member of at least 100 different forum communities, I have had my fair share of brushes with mods. I can honestly say that there were zero instances that were undeserved. In order to be called out on something over the internet, it has to be pretty egregious/obnoxious/foul/fill_in_word_here. Regardless of how beneficial anyone's positive contributions are to the community, nobody should get a pass on being a ****. And what is all this talk about money and ads? Really? Who are you to think you have an iota of right to criticize the way this site makes money? Or am I missing the point on the money issue?
I, for one, did not say Steve (or anyone else) should get a pass for abrasive comments/posts. I merely stated that I understood why he chose the nuclear option. From what I recall from the deleted posts, Steve was reprimanded publicly which was overkill - the punishment did not fit the crime. Moderators have another way of warning people that the explosive collars around their necks are about to detonate (Google "The Running Man"). And that's probably why Steve picked up his toys and went home.
no it had nothing to do with money or ads. tha tangent came up from the point that the owner of the site has a right to do whatever they want.
I would suppose because sometimes, some people say something along the line that we should be grateful that we are being given the chance to be here by the benevolent forces....all for nothing. Perhaps forgetting that "we are the ones" earning the $$ for the benevolent forces...maybe...maybe not. Maybe all income from this site only adds up to 60 cents per month. Or, maybe $600 a week. Or maybe the site is in the red. Or maybe the only payoff is automotive junkets. I have NO idea. I will say, that when the site is working properly, I am glad to be here and it is fine that $$ is being made. When the site does not work, it is only common courtesy to say SOMETHING...