And that's why I have my windshield deductible set to ZERO. Three winters later, plus a few small pebbles, and all I've seen are thousands of little circular hairline scratches all over the windshield that you can see at the right angle. No "big cracks," yet, because I don't do much highway driving. Expecting a city car is probably why they made it with cheaper glass. But in the winter I rarely ever use a scraper on the windshield. I just run the defroster+heat each frost-covered morning for 15-20 minutes if need be. In the meantime I'd love to know why every time it rains my windshield looks greasy. Last summer I put two coats of Rain-X on by hand and I've already switched out the wipers, and cleaned them. Perhaps the glass needs a fresh treatment of clay-bar and Rain-X. What do you think?
I would suggest a thorough cleaning of the windshield. Using RainX will give you a waxy buildup over time; that's probably what you're seeing. Avoid the clay-bar, it will put micro-scratches in the glass and also in the waxy RainX layer that are visible in bright sunlight. A thorough cleaning using a quality glass cleaner and a dust-free paper towels or a microfiber cloth is probably your best option.
I've always had trouble with RainX: it always makes the windshield look greasy and filmy, so I do not use it anymore.
Any suggestions on replacement? My 2013 just got hit from a small stone that flew off a Mexican landscaping truck and now I have a 12 inch long crack, and direct hit (looks like a gun shot my windshield). Sucks because I Uber and now this car will not pass inspections due to this crack. Any suggestions apart from Safelite?