I've been itching to get out on the highway and give our new Prius C a test for highway traveling and to see how much of the gadgets and technology I can find easily. The trip was a round trip of a bit more than 200 km so it was not a big test. I filled up before leaving and averaged 4.1 l/100km. The trip was over a small (1155 foot) mountain so I had a chance to see how it handled going uphill and downhill. Overall I was pleased. On one long uphill stretch I was having a bit of a problem maintaining 100Km although I was likely a bit hesitant to push because of the increase in engine noise and I'm sure I will get used to that and not be apprehensive to be a bit more aggressive. I tried the Navigation system and not really impressed with it.Maybe it will get better as I get smarter about it. One thing I could not get working was the option of setting the "Speed Limit" and if it works it certainly is different from others I have used. I could see no indication of my speed or the posted speed. I should say that I'm in Canada and we don't have Entune here and this option may be needed to get a few other features working, like the speed thing. I tried a variety of mileage/changing/discharging screens and I can see it taking a while for me to determine exactly what it is I want to be able to see as I drive and I'm sure every Prius driver has a preference. So, FWIW, that's it. Overall I'm very pleased.
My experience is that the Prius's throttle pedal is mapped for economy. You have to push it almost to the floor in order to get it into its high power range, but once you do there is actually a lot of power available. Perhaps not as much as other cars, but for someone like myself who makes a habit of driving gently in order to maximize fuel economy it seems like plenty. The engine will rev quite high when you do this, but the power is there if you need it.
I don't believe there is a indicator for your set speed while you're using cruise control...i believe you push the cruise control button at the end of the dongle then you have to flip it down To activate a speed?? The cruise controls are definitely different than most cars SAMSUNG-SM-G870A ?
Thanks for your response. I don't usually use cruise control for a few reasons and in this case, I was not. As I accelerated the noise from the engine seemed disproportional so I eased off. I suspect it is "normal" under the circumstances and I will get used to it I don't use cruise control because we live in mountainous terrain and I feel more comfortable being able to adjust the acceleration myself. In the Prius and previous vehicles I find the CC overcompensates and uses more throttle than I do if I am in "control". However, I do use it when driving on the prairies and that is now less frequent for me.
Yes a CVT will sound different than a normal geared transmission and the engine speed will seem disproportional to the acceleration. Don't be afraid to use all of the c's power. You won't hurt the engine (the transmission is just revving to the max torque rpm if you're going uphill so you're not anywhere near the redline). As with the Gen 2 (which is probably the most similar to the c with its 110hp old SAE rated net power), you learn to use all of its power. It won't have excess power like a V6 or V8 engine. That being said, the car is still new and the break-in period is 1,600km so maybe wait til after before pushing it. Also, if I can maintain 90km/h up the Coq out of Merritt in a smart fortwo (gasoline version), you can hold 100km/h in the Prius c over the spine. (I assume Alberni Hwy?)
I'm hoping to take my Prius C cruising down the sea-to-sky highway to Whistler BC one of this weekend to see how it perform. I usually carpool with someone to work and I too hesitant to rev up the engine on a long steep climb. I can see many cars try to pass me in many occasions LOL. Oh well, might as well enjoy the mountainous terrain while we're at it
I've done the Whistler trip a few times in the Prius C - it performs just fine. I'm not a particularly aggressive driver, but IMHO the C has easily more than enough power to keep with everyone. But you can't be shy about stomping on the pedal to get it. The throttle graph in the "ECO Score" display is misleading - where it maxes out at the top of "power" band is nowhere near the maximum throttle position. If you keep pressing the throttle down further beyond that you'll get a fair bit more power. The CVT spins up the engine to deliver on your demands, so it really whines and of course you're gulping down the litres to do it, but you don't need to do it very often and it's nice to know that it's there when you need it. My acid test of a car's power is to drive up Oxford street in White Rock. The Prius C has no problem with that hill, although the engine probably wakes up the neighbors and the grade makes it feel like you're going to do a wheelie.
So I'm trying to reply within this thread and I get a red bar across the page telling me to try again so I'm replying within my own thread. The trip I took was to Victoria and return via Nanaimo over the Malahat. This is a familiar trip now and I've driven it in a 99 Sienna, a 2013 Fiat and this 2016 Prius C and hands down, this was the most comfortable drive of them all. We are planning to do a bit of exploring along Vancouver Island and it seems this is the car to do it in I'm pleased to know there are others close by with a "C" so being able to compare like roads and environments is a bit more realistic comparison I think. We live on an Island and the ferry costs add $25 to each trip automatically so I'm hoping if we take long enough trips, the money we save on fuel will offset the ferry $$
Mash the gas, buddy. Mash the gas. Of course it's going to sound like it's coming apart...it's an econobox. Take it off ECO put the pedal down. It is what it is. Learn to live with it. My current 6000 mile average is 45. I sit in the parking lot for an hour before I go in smoking my cigar and drinking coffee while listing to morning radio. The fan is blowing out the smoke and it turns on every now and then. This pulls the average down, but it gives me peace. I've done my fretting over super-duper gas mileage and I'm pretty much over it. But when I pull into the parking lot at over 60mpg for the trip in, it's still a good feeling. And it beats the heck out of driving the 10mpg V10 Super Duty 4wd every day...
Hey there GabriolaGuy! I'm just across the water in Nanaimo. My C is just a little less outfitted than yours (Trim 1 vs the Tech Pack). But, if you want to compare and contrast, let me know!
Hi there. Nice to hear from you. We may be in "town" next week although our trips to Nanaimo are usually regulated by trying to fir in shopping and a few errands between ferry schedules.Also got a couple of short trips coming up in the near future. I'll try to contact you next time we're in town.
I hear that...I'd spend more time on Gabe if I could as well...further from the crappy drivers and clogged parkway! Problem is, I've got a decent job over here, and another year's lease on the townhouse. I should pop by for a visit before the weather really turns, I still haven't explored much other than right near the terminal.
"The Spine"? We've always called it "The Hump". I'm not from the Island originally, so I always like learning new terms for places. Some people call the Malahat "The Hat", tourists seem to call it "The Really Dangerous Highway", and the locals seems to call it "That Road I Shouldn't Drive Drunk On, But I Do Anyway."
Oh.. maybe it's called "The Hump". I'm not from the Island either. I just call the mountain range "the spine of Vancouver Island" so I just applied it to the road. LOL. "The Hat" for me is Medicine Hat.