Not sure which forum to ask this in. Someone just heavily scratched and dented my loaner car 2016 Prius Liftback. Parking lot, nicely legally parked end spot. Not a shopping cart, my opinion from a car door, bicycle or wheelchair. Not a minor/ subtle issue, the perpetrator IMO must have noticed they damaged the car. Never had this happen to any other vehicles I have owned. Are new Prius' more prone to vandalized than other makes/ models of cars?
I don't think so. We got one ding a year or two back, while parked at a restaurant, sucks. There's been one or two idiots in Greater Vancouver, single-handed rampagers, keying 100's of cars in an evening. Not zeroing in on one make, just moving up a block, equal opportunity. Thankfully caught. Sounds like you did everything right, just bad luck. It's not your car though, a loaner?
Yes a loaner. Our new v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) was getting a window motor noise warranty repair. So yes, one could say there is some luck to go with the bad luck. Just an unnecessary cost we must pay. I don't wish to experience this again hence my question is vandalism an issue with Prius'.
Vandalism is an issue, but mostly it is inattentive and just plain selfish driving and drivers. Our son's 2016 has had two incidents: had its mirror taken off by a drive-by, and had a huge door hit delivered, so much so that squashed the crown of a door panel such that it can't be popped out. The latter by an older schmuck who blew it off as "So what? That's why you have insurance." Yeah, insurance. He's lucky he isn't filing a medical insurance claim.
Hey Sausalito we do not have many vandalism reports here. We do have some theft reports of cat converters and HV batteries, but those are more from Gen3 Liftback not v.
Some a-hole keyed both the passenger side doors on my month-old 2016 Prius v a few days ago while I was dropping off my son at school (I was legally parked, not blocking anything.) Then again, my old 2006 Infiniti had been keyed many times over the years. Must be the area I live in, not the car itself.
I live in the deep South. Lots of truck-nutz, tattoos, and 4x4's. In fact, just 30 minutes ago some bubba with a rebel flag tattooed on his shoulder asked me (between puffs on an unfiltered a gas station) why "I wuz puttin gaes in one of dem Priussies," since he was under the impression that they were "lectric." I told him that Priuses were so fuel efficient, that I was actually having to pump gas back into the filling station's tank, which is why the display was going backwards. He laughed (he also looked at the display just to make sure..... ) We talked for a few minutes and he waved, puffed on his cigarette, and left with a smile on his face. My G3 has 98,000 miles on the clock, in something like 4-1/2 years. I've never been dinged, scratched, middle fingered, or anything like it in all that time. I've had people come up to me asking questions about my company car, and I've lifted the hood more than once just to prove that no....there's not a squirrel on a treadmill inside the engine bay. About three years ago, my beloved company put a data logger in my I have to drive the speed limit. BUT.....I have the option to do so with courtesy and patience. I very seldom get tail-gated. There was this one pathetic coal rolling attempt after a more pathetic story about this phenom on CNN (I out accelerated the Dodge with ease.) Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. The ONE case of Prius hate that I've experienced in the last 5 years was actually FROM a Prius driver while I was fueling my truck, which left me with a burning desire to key HER car---especially since the gated community that she lived in (according to one sticker) was 50 miles from her place of employment (according to the other sticker.) When I pointed all of this out, it at least made her look a little less smug. I lived ten miles from work then, three miles now. So..... Dings happen. So does road rage. Prius hate exists on both sides of the windshield, and is perpetuated by PEOPLE inside and outside the Priuses we see on the highways and byways of America. I try to leave more people chuckling after a pleasant conversation, than shaking their heads at my smugness, and I try to give very few people the power to torque me off. Mostly? It works. YMMV
Wow, sounds like you have been very fortunate! I have had the opposite experience. I take very good care my faithful 2006 G2, but in 10 years she has collected far more than her share of "careless vandalism"... - I have two 12"+ "door dings" on the front passenger and rear driver side door - Rear driver bumper was dislocated and deeply scratched in a parking lot hit & run, when the car was ~ 1 year old (popped it back in and used touch up paint) - The front passenger fender was scraped by the *dealer* when the car was in for service (sigh) - The rear bumper was "tattooed" by a plate frame in a parking lot when the car was 3 weeks old - Once had a woman let her door go on her SUV on a windy day while I was sitting in my car with my sleeping newborn son, leaving a deep 3" dent. When I got out confronted her, she simply said "Sorry, not my fault!" and ran into the store. Couldn't chase her with my sleeping son, so I left a very terse note for her saying she had to call me that night or I was reporting hit and run. To make a long story short, her husband said to claim it on their insurance (!), so I did. Sucker, hope you enjoy the at-fault claim for $300, my insurance was not affected since they admitted to it. (The only paint after-factory paint on my car). - The only scrape on my trim ring is from my sales guy delivering my car to my place of work when it was new. (Unfortunately I didn't notice it until a few weeks later). I am the only driver on the vehicle, and my wife has only driven the car a handful of times, years later. - Recently noticed the bottom of my driver door is dented on the edge, which looks like damage caused by a door being opened and hitting one of the lifts Ina shop. I know I never hit a high sidewalk or, especially driver side. Again, done by someone else. - The most recent major dent was captured on my dash cam, but unfortunately the Lincoln culprit had a temporary paper plate in the window my camera could not make out. Argh! - I also have about a dozen or so 'normal' size dings, like most other people. Bottom line is in 390k KM and 10 years, I have not hit any cars or few potholes (not major ones, at least), have perfect alignment, and all the various dings and dents, are all a result of negligence of others while my car has been stationary; never did I receive a single note, even when receiving fairly serious damage (despite seeing other cars with a mere scuff with a 'damage reported to police' sticker, grr!), I also went out of my way earlier on in the car's life to park far away in spaces to minimize risk, but it never made a difference, I still had people park next to me, and eventually collect dings. Given my history, I find it truly amazing when I hear of people who are able to log several years or more of vehicle ownership without encountering carelessness and lack of respect like this. Good for you. Ok, rant over now.
I hope the rant helped. One thing that might help is parking. I always try to park in a remote spot....even in inclimate weather, and where there are vacant places around me. Just don't be one of those people that angle park using two spaces. Remember....Beauty is only skin deep, and Priuses are just as fuel efficient with a few character marks on them. Good Luck!
Yep, when my car was newer, I always went out of my way to either park far out, next to a curb or handicap spot and hug the line, or pick strategic spots. I NEVER did the jerk move of taking 2 spaces. Regardless of my efforts, I still had people park next to me and dent my car. And it's not like I go to bad neighbourhoods or anything. Sigh. I guess that is one of the benefits of driving an old car with "character", don't really care anymore.
A relative of mine believes all Prius drivers are progressive tree-huggers (that's the nice version). I can neither confirm or deny my affiliation, as I'm currently enrolled in the PWPP (Prius Witness Protection Program). He, on the other hand, rides a Harley, is heavily armed and drives an extended-cab pickup. Welcome to Alabama, where no Prius is safe.
I've always wondered, and posted comments regarding how many Prius owners are Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, Environmentalists, etc., and if that was the main reason they bought a Prius... I was politely told to not ask those questions. Or to take my comments to the hidden "politics forum" which I never found. Make America Great Again...