Hello all! I have a 2008 Package 5 or 6 car, not sure but it is loaded. Recently I've been having trouble with my smart key system. It hasn't left me stranded but often with the vehicle running it will think that the key is not inside the vehicle even though the key is in my cup holder. Also recently when attempting to lock the vehicle using the button on the door, nothing will happen, no lock no beep, on either door. Then it will work as usual. I replaced the fob battery (dealer does it for free) and upon examining my fob it seems to be making a rattling noise on the inside that my spare does not. I have a brand new programmed spare key I've never used so I will try using that key for now and see if the issues continue. Didn't know if anyone on the form had any insight into this problem. Thank you and I appreciate any and all help!
I have no idea what your problem may or may not be. But out of pure curiosity if it was me? I'd carefully open the fob up and try to find out what is loose and making the rattling sound. If you go to youtube there are plenty of videos that will show you how to open the fob. Using the back-up spare to see how it works in comparison is the other thing to do. This would probably my first move. Good Luck
My first guess is that the dealer person didn't screw all four tiny screws back in. . . . Did you watch them replace the fob battery ?
Thank you for the reply, I have not taken apart the key yet, but for some reason I suspect that the broken piece in the key may be part of the antenna for the key.
12v health is a okay, just had my service done at my dealer and the battery was tested and passed. I also have not had any symptoms of 12v battery failure. Thank you for the reply
I checked my key and removed the battery door to make sure of that, they did put the screws back properly. As for weather they replaced the battery or not, the battery looked new and I did not watch them do it myself but I'm pretty trusting in my dealership.
After replacing the SKS fob battery I had similiar issues. It turned out that the "new" battery was the problem; manufacturing defect I guess. Try a new, fresh battery ( CR2032 ) in the fob. The battery must slide under the small curved piece in the bottom right, shown below. If the battery covers that piece, it could cause a rattle. From this view, the fob's electrical contacts are on the bottom and sides of the battery. The curved piece is just for holding the battery. How about the flexible plastic covering the buttons ? If the buttons are exposed then there could be dust, lint, crud causing a short on the circuit board.