Sorry if this has already been answered here, i'm a n00b. i have only had my Prius 2 for 4 months and i have already put 17000 miles on it, and I would like some of the higher end features like the adaptive cruise and lane change stuff.
Oh, you can upgrade it alright... If by upgrade you mean going to the dealership and trading it in on better equipped Prius. Which would result in a severe financial hit. Some luxuries can be installed aftermarket. But things like adaptive cruise control? Lane Keep Assist? Well I really haven't heard of anyone installing those aftermarket. If you REALLY want those now? I think it would mean a total vehicle change. And unless The Dealership was really, really nice? That type of early trade in scenario is possible- but costly.
You could try to sell yours privately & find an equivalent one with all the gadgetry - you might do OK with it $$$ wise.
thank you for the replies. i will do without for now i guess. i love my prius, and would never consider trading her so soon
Well I would agree that you wouldn't have anything to lose in investigating options with the dealership.'d have to be strong willed and have an idea of what the limit you'd be willing to pay for the upgrade would be. I'm afraid at most dealerships if you walked in saying you wanted to do this? They'ed surround you like sharks next to chum in the water. But if you were willing to walk? And had a hard figure on how much more you'd be willing to invest and NOT be manipulated into any investment above that figure? You could go TRY to swim with the sharks. It might be fun. People have traded in..upgraded, simply changed vehicles with as little or less turn around than you. It just comes with sacrifice.
I have adaptive cruise control and I hope I will never have to own another car without it. it's the best thing ever