The woman to whom I sold my v is having a problem with her smart keys. She has replaced the battery in both her primary key and her until-now unused backup key to no avail. The problem is that more often than not the v does not recognize the key to unlock the door and/or start the car until she holds it against the offending sensor. She has checked her pockets/purses for transmission-blocking items/materials (as have I) and there are none. Any suggestions about a cause or fix, or what we should tell/explain to the dealer other than the above if we must take it in? Thanks for your assistance.
Need to use top brand of button battery versus no-name. Order from Amazon etc. Try not to handle battery too much as easy to discharge.
What wjtracy said. More than likely the problem is the battery that is installed is a knock off brand made in China.
Thanks for the input. (1) The batteries were replaced by the Toyota dealer when she first went there with the problem before the consulted with me--it was the dealer's "solution." I guess I should have included that info . . . (2) " User error" unlikely--it never happened during the many years she drove her 2nd gen Prius and the first 6 month of ownership of the v. So, the search for a cause continues. The 12 volt battery remains the thread's top suspect. But additional possibilities are welcome.
Nevertheless, it was working when you had it but not now. The simplest answer is user error. If you're intending to troubleshoot this for the buyer you first want to see it for yourself.
Still more info: She is not only the buyer, but also a close friend. It began 6 months after ownership and has gradually worsened (the trend continued after the dealer replaced the batteries but, as is so often the case, did not occur while at the dealership). I have been with her when it has happened (twice). I did not see anything that would pass as user error. Indeed, what should I look for as she pulls the door handle or presses the start button? I guess I could trade cars with her for a while, but then I would have to rule out my own user error . . . .
So the success is intermittent? Works sometimes and not others? Where does she store the keys? Has anyone measured the battery voltages? (could be a bad or old batch) Anyone opened the case and checked to see if the battery is secured via the clips? What other items are on her key chain? Just replaced my '12 v's fobs batteries with brand name ones from Amazon. Ditto my wife's '11 Avalon fobs. Half what the dealer charges.
Have you checked the voltage of the 12 volt battery yet? I do know if that battery is weak the range of the fob's will be reduced. It is a easy thing to do if you have a digital volt meter.
I'm in Miami and the car is in Atlanta. I'll check the suggestions (above) and any additional ones when I return to ATL. Thanks again for the thoughtful input.