Does anyone have the torque values for the bolts on the plastic brackets that compress the battery modules and the bolts that secure the individual modules to the bottom of the case? Thanks in advance.
You should have measured the distance between the outside of the plastic end caps between the 28 modules before you loosened them. If you have not done so yet, measure the length before loosening the end caps, then tighten the bolts only enough so the length matches what is was before loosening so that the holes on the bottom of the case line up with the modules. If you already loosened them, then you're going to have to use trial and error to get all of the modules to line up. Still shouldn't be all that difiicult Generally speaking, you won't need to turn the bolt heads much - probably less than 90° - after the bolts are snug to the end caps. Again, just enough that the length is the same as before loosening.
NOT AN OFFICIAL ANSWER. I am not sure what the specification is and will not be responsible something bad happens if you copy what I do, so, copy me at your own risk. I tighten the ones that compress with my impact gun and not a specific torque and torque the ones that hold them down to 30 inch pounds.
Toyota does not publish specs for those bolts. They do not want anyone taking the batteries that far apart. The terminal nuts torque is 48 inch pounds. The module mounting bolts are the same size. The case to floor bolts torque is 14 foot pounds. The torque for the case mounting bracket to frame bolts is 21 foot pounds. All of these bolts are the same size as the compression bolts. Use your best judgment. Brad
I found what I was thinking of. It's for the gen-I and puts the battery module bolts at 44 in-lbs and battery bracket bolts and 28 ft-lbs. Close enough for jazz IMO.