Hello it good to be in community. I seeking advices for a cross country move! My 2015 C with 7k miles will be 100% stuffed full of clothes and everything I hoarded. For you Prius C owners who have driven much long distance, please to help answer the following: 1.) How many miles should I drive per day so that I don't hurt my Prius C and get premature wear and tear?? 2.) It's going to be Hot! 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit when I leave, should I drive at night instead? 3.) Should I drive only 60-65mph so I don't burn too much gas and I don't hurt the engine? Not too concerned how long it will take to reach Wiscansin. But don't want to be a total slow porpoise! 4.) Should I wrap the front end in blue painters tape to prevent rock chips and bug splatter? Or would it be easier just to wash off the rock chips and bug splatter after my trip instead? Thank to you for you help!! #teamPriusc #Priusbros
1. I'd say 4 days would be comfortable, 3 still doable, but more tiring. 2. I'd drive the day, it'll just mess up your sleep patterns, driving at night. Personally I feel more in control driving in daytime, just for vision. I recall getting off the plane in Maui, driving halfway across the island in a rental, in the dark. Would much rather it was daytime. 3. For sure keep the speed down, much better for mpg, just stay right and steady. 50 mph would be even better, if you can find secondary highways. 4. As long you're not following close to someone in front, your odds of getting rock chips are pretty long. Bug splatter is no big deal, washes off. BTW, maybe it's just me, but I never thought of porpoises as slow.
Ooh I was planning on tailgating a semi/tractor trailer so I can increase my mpg because they're quite slow and offer good drag reduction however if it increases chances of rock chips I I won't tailgate (
a) Driving 500 miles a day can be a good goal. Average MPH x Time. b) I'd drive regular hours avoiding any city commute hours. What ever hours you are comfortable with. The car can take the heat. c) Just go with the flow of traffic. Nothing wrong with not driving 90 mph, yet the engine will handle it if you do. d) Buy a bra and install before you leave. You are correct to assume "road rash" on a cross county journey. Blue tape, if your car is blue...I'd still buy a bra. Good luck on your travels.
That's awesome I'll definitely strive for a manageable pace so I don't go crazy or sleepy behind the wheel. I would really be super sad if anything bad happened to my Prius C, we have so much memories together <3 I just picked up some blue tape so I'll get to taping and post how the trip went and pictures of average mpg woohoo!!
Bra is you best protection, and if you plan on following trucks, plan on driving 85 to 90 MPH, those boys and girls know how to go fast and where the High Way Patrols are hiding.
Uh oh! How much would you say the average clear bra cost for parts and labor? I didn't know trucks could drive up to 90! They're usually quite slow like a tortoise!
Clearbra's are not cheap, you should look at removable bra, LE BRA is one brand. They cost about $80.00 On the interstate the truckers will reach 80 and 90 MPH, they are on a schedule from the West Coast to the East Coast.
The fastest way to have an accident would be to closely follow anything, just do the speed limit, stay hydrated, if you can make 500 miles a day great, that's a good long day...if you cover the front of the car don't cover the areas that let air in to cool the ice, relax, enjoy the drive, outdoor temps won't effect the car, do use the air conditioning, wind noise at 65 is loud, and the aerodynamic with the windows open go out the window.
Hello Prius friends, I am curious to the clear bra or covering up the front. What if instead of using a cover, I just go to a car wash every 500 miles in the nearest town instead? Or, or would that end up scratching my paint and clear coat it would be 4 car washes in 4 days to get rid of the bug guts on the front no doubt I'll get bugs driving in June!
I wouldn't bother. You'll arrive with a bit of flotsam on the front, wonder what all the fuss was about.
I drove from DC to San Francisco in 3.5 days a couple years ago. This is what I learned. 1) Doesn't matter. Highway miles in general are less wear and tear than city miles. In other words, the only way to put less wear and tear than what you are about to do is to not drive at all. 2) Safety is more important. Driving at night won't be better for your car if you fall asleep and drive into a tree or get lost. Drive when the sun comes up and pull over when the sun comes down. You'll see better and the sun helps keep you awake. BTW, on the cheap, keep the back of your chair open to recline. Park at truck stop gas stations with a McDonalds nearby. Pilot, Loves, etc. I always remember the bright green and red signs forgot the brand name. It was my favorite place to pull over. I refilled the same plastic soda cup I purchased in DC all the way to the CA stop. It was allowed. You'll get free wifi from McDonalds and access to bathrooms. I slept in the car without worry because the truck stops are 24/7. In the morning, you've got fresh coffee and doughnuts a few steps away. 3) It's very important keep up with traffic. That will be 70-80 mph. Again, it does you no good to get fantastic fuel economy going 60 mph if you are constantly fearing for your life from tailgaters or people who cut you off because you are going too slowly for them. Same as number 2, safety is more important. 4) I wouldn't bother. You'll lose this battle. Just be sure to clean your windshield every stop or you'll lose the insect splatter battle. It's gets real hard the longer you let it stay on the car.
Wow I really like the support from my #PriusBros! I have decided okay, I will keep up with traffic and stop worrying about squeezing out every little mpg. I think I will get clear bra when I can afford it so I will drive 1700 miles without protection see how that goes, a learning lesson maybe? And I will enjoy the trip! I keep worry about my baby Prius C so much I said please make it to Wiscansin I start new life there I need you to stay with the big boi! Ah, I can even go to dealership in other cities I don't mind waiting to help any problems that arise too! Any Toyota dealership in any city will work on my Prius C??
Hi. I have done this type of drive many times in several different vehicles including my '12 C2. I would expect your 2015 Prius C to be a very worthy companion for this trip Your vehicle will be capable of carrying you many more miles than you probably should safely drive in a day. I suggest you rest when you feel like resting... your own alertness while driving will be your biggest ally to a safe, comfortable and enjoyable trip. The beauty of not feeling rushed along the trip is that you can stop at plenty of places and walk around, explore something interesting you happened to see... that helps to keep your mind and body awake and alert. Feel free to pull off at the rest areas just to walk around... I would even do jumping jacks.... run back and forth in the parking area. After an hour or two...or three sitting and driving, pull over, stretch, and enjoy some of the beautiful country-side you'll be driving across. Are you going to stay in hotels or sleep in your C? Have a safe and enjoyable trip. As to your points, I agree with mmmodem above: (and several others, I just didn't want to ".." so many)
? I thought Vaseline on windshield is a prank you pull on your college mates so their wipers won't work on the rain? Don't know about the rest of the car though.
I heartily second this recommendation. If you feel yourself getting drowsy then pull over when you get a chance and take a quick catnap. It's quite amazing how much more alert you'll be after a doze of as little as 15 to 20 minutes. And also, I really, really feel compelled to point out that unless you're being ironic it should be "Wisconsin", not "Wiscansin"...
Only Vegas to WI and theres really no more snow to worry about...you should be fine. I did a CA to WI last year (2200 miles in 32hours or so drive time and a 8 hour walmart parking lot hiatus) 1.) How many miles should I drive per day so that I don't hurt my Prius C and get premature wear and tear?? Doubt it matters as long as you don't drive on sh1tty roads (the highways are in pretty good condition), lead feet more than moderately, or brake like crazy too often. I planned my trip and picked cities/towns/outposts that were around 250 to 400 miles apart from each other as gas/leg stretching/restroom points....I drove from 6am morning until 12am midnight 1st day, then slept/rested in a walmart lot 8hours, then did the rest 8am until 12am midnight). My car was also packed from bottom to top in the back and front passenger seat. When I am well rested...the more I drive the more crazy tunnel visioned adrenaline rush of getting to the next destination I get (you gotta have a lot of music, know how to play mind games with yourself, etc...)...but you should drive according to your experience/rest/safety. Also I did it with only me, myself, and I. 2.) It's going to be Hot! 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit when I leave, should I drive at night instead? As you come more north, it'll be 40s-80s, so don't really matter and you are actually traveling at a good time (no more chances of snow...was just last month when we got our last sort of big one and this past weekend I was freezing while out camping in mid 20s-30s nights) 3.) Should I drive only 60-65mph so I don't burn too much gas and I don't hurt the engine? Not too concerned how long it will take to reach Wiscansin. But don't want to be a total slow porpoise! Don't matter, once you get up to speed your C will come off of the PWR bar anyway (I was doing 70+...screw MPG...and on that nice stretch of I-80 from NV to Salt Lake City where posted is 85mph...let's just say I had some fun pushing my C to the triple digits) 4.) Should I wrap the front end in blue painters tape to prevent rock chips and bug splatter? Or would it be easier just to wash off the rock chips and bug splatter after my trip instead? If you don't want rock chips (you can't wash off rock chips)...do whatever you think is godly necessary to protect your front end...also avoid driving too close to trucks/lifted cars DRIVE WISCONSINBLY