they estimate $386 plus tax for rear rotors and pads. Is this normal? I don't imagine it could be low, but is it high? Thanks in advance.
To resurface a rotor and pads....I think that's very expensive. But you are dealing with dealers and that just might be in line with what they would charge.
Brake Rotor - $73.31 = $146.62 Pads = $57.29 So the parts are over $200. $386 for a dealer sounds cheap now.
CR94 and Starcaller, great questions: I live in northern New York, and they use too much salt on the roads in the winter. I think the combination the rear brakes not being used much and the conditions make the rear rotors rust out. The rear rotors have less than 30,000 miles on them. They were replaced after I bought the car two years ago. I'm going to have to shift to neutral more often and shine up the rear rotors more often on this next set- especially during the winter.
this has been reported by others in salt country as well. it may be that the slide pin mechanism needs more frequent cleaning and lubrication.
Just had the same thing happen to me. Took my Prius in for routine oil change and was called to the garage area after a little while. Mechanic showed me that the right rear pad was tight against the rotor. I had no idea it was dragging as my last tank was good for 52 mpg. The rotor was all chewed up from this and the tire did not spin freely. He then showed me that the glide pins were all rusted preventing the caliper from retracting properly. He had been a mechanic for several years and said this happens all the time due to salt used in Ohio winters. He also said Toyota is looking into a regular maintenance recommendation for annual cleaning and lubing of the brake parts. He said it is especially bad for the Prius since the rear brakes are hardly used so they never heat up enough to stay dry and clean. They cleaned the parts and replaced pads and rotors on both sides, cost me $300.