I been in Prius Mod mode for about a year...I guess it started when I first signed in , met our local social media commentors, enthusiast and like minded drivers and now friends of the loyal order of Prius..Our grand puba, Sean the magnificent...our masta ace...Chris, Dylan, Allen, Rob, Roger, Bom, Rodney, just to name the first few which I've met, jab with and enjoy their experiences, hoping to add mine...which I do. However, since getting ready for Torc Fest, I've been in "Promoditus" mode, symptoms ....# 1. Money = Mod,,,,that's all you think, # 2. You lose perspective of reality....you may need to get talked down off the ledge of I can't live without it and DAMN...I can't wait any longer...you press that purchase button without any guilt,,,like pulling the trigger of a gun,,,the bang or the sucking of you funds out your wallet, just leaves you numb..and then you smile...the fix will soon be in your life and all is good and lovely in the world...# 3...This your priority and no family member can understand or get in your way..... YOU GOT "PRIMODITUS" I woke up today fresh from TORC fest...and thought...Hmmm I gotta do more mods, clean my car,,,,Just getting another fix,,,I need it I gotta have it....ARRRRRRRGGGGGGH........ Removed the P-dip from hybrid emblems to show the blue....watch next week,,I'm going to figure out how to get it out of them little letters too. I also put back on the OG blue and black hybrid plastic....for the rear badge. This picture serves a few purposes..the % of the tint of the factory stock rear tailights....looks like 35-50%, its a great back view from about 10 feet and the edit of the PriusChat sticker,,,only insiders really knows where that came from..."hint..wish it was in darker grey". Finally decided on what I wanted the front to look like,,..gotta smoke those running lights..Add the hybrid emblem behind fresh black P-dip Toyota badge. Got that engine cover too p - diped...converter cover (actually started that last night..I know...don't talk me down...- re-installed the front bumper top cover with all the fasteners, 1 lost from yesterday found! Now I feel better....with all 10 lights working!
The alien mothership is ready to abduct us in that last pic haha. Will Plastidip actually hold together on your engine cover? I thought you needed to use ceramic/enamel paints in your engine bay cause all the heat?
if it's a form of entertainment you enjoy, and you can control your spending so as to not reflect negatively on important parts of your budget, i say go for it!
The amount of mods I will do is pretty limited, but after I got my tails tinted the other day my husband told me to stay off this board.
Hey SubCode, I have the Barcelona Red also. My next mod is a gloss black roof wrap. Any updates? Here's mine. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Glad you told me because mine looks more like a blood red especially towards dusk. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.