Am I the only one who thinks the Intuitive Parking Assist borders on useless? My issue is that it will beep and show the maximum number of warning bars around your car when you are 3 feet away. At that distance you hardly need help. But as you squeeze your way into a tight spot and the number of bars decrease, the very last warning shows and sounds when you are still more than a foot away. That's the distance you need help. Basically the car is yelling at you when you are pretty far away from anything, and then abandons you when you need it. What's he point?
I thought IPA means it parks itself for you. Those are just parking sensors. My Sienna has them and they work like they're supposed to. When you're creeping backwards, 3ft becomes 2ft really quick.
@cproaudio Intuitive Parking Assist is the system with the backup and clearance sonar sensors and onscreen display with guidance (either in the form of telling you which direction to turn the steering wheel or with the visual cues like on the Gen 4 with 10 sets of bars around the car). It's basically a Toyota marketing term to differentiate it from just the backup sensors that beep. @ATHiker , you can adjust the sensors from the default "far" to "near".
I want it to beep farther away as I pull in however the side sensors do not beep or show bars. Maybe. When pulling into the garage I would like to know how close the sides are. Not getting a warning for those 4 side sensors.
If I am not mistaken, that change will keep the car from beeping at long range-- about 3 feet. That would be a worthwhile change, but my issue is a bit different. What dissapoints me is that the car's final warning is a full foot (or more) away from the detected obstacle. That's a lot of maneuvering room.
So move to the position when the last line turns red (a foot away) then a little more .......................................if you hear a crunch, you've over done it
No. It's a dealer-required change (or if you have Carista, you can change it yourself) Ohh I see. Ok that's the manufacturer's issue.
Yup, it's one of several changes you can make. The most important one is automatically turning off the beep if you are stationary for more than 3 seconds (think what happens when someone pulls up close in the drive through lane without that change). Here is a list of the others. Not sure if I see the relevance of the last one. Front parking sensor range NARROW / *WIDE* Rear parking sensor range NARROW / *WIDE* Mute parking sensor when stationary for more than 3 sec. *YES* / NO Lower parking sensor beep volume when stationary for more than 3 sec. *DON'T CHANGE VOLUME* / 1 / 2 / 3 Lower parking sensor beep volume when moving away from objects DON'T CHANGE VOLUME / *1* / 2 / 3 Parking sensor beep volume *1* / 2 / 3 / 4 / MAX Activate parking sensors in neutral (N) *YES* / NO
Another member posted a complete lit in the Carista thread. Turns out they email you a confirmation of your settings. Here is a full list of mine: The following settings were available specifically to your vehicle using Carista: Doors / Windows / Remote Blink turn signals when locking/unlocking with remote *YES* / NO Beep when locking/unlocking with remote *YES* / NO Volume of beep when locking/unocking with remote OFF / 1 / 2 / 3 / *4* / 5 / 6 / MAX Beep when opening/closing windows with remote *YES* / NO Warn when door can't be locked with remote because it's open *YES* / NO Warn when a window is still open when locking doors *YES* / NO Warn when sunroof is still open when locking doors *YES* / NO Panic function on remote *ENABLED* / DISABLED Re-lock doors automatically if you unlock, but don't open a door *YES* / NO Re-lock doors automatically if you unlock, but don't open a door within… 30 SECONDS / *60 SECONDS* / 120 SECONDS Unlock doors via remote *DRIVER'S DOOR ON 1ST PRESS, ALL ON 2ND* / ALL DOORS ON 1ST PRESS Unlock doors via physical key *DRIVER'S DOOR ON 1ST PRESS, ALL ON 2ND* / ALL DOORS ON 1ST PRESS Unlock doors via smart key (door handle button) DRIVER'S DOOR ON 1ST PRESS, ALL ON 2ND / *ALL DOORS ON 1ST PRESS* Auto-lock all doors DISABLED / *WHEN SHIFTING INTO GEAR* / WHEN VEHICLE STARTS MOVING Auto-unlock all doors DISABLED / WHEN SHIFTING INTO PARK (P) / *WHEN DRIVER'S DOOR IS OPENED* After locking with smart key, allow re-opening within… 0.5 SECONDS / 1.5 SECONDS / *2.5 SECONDS* / 5 SECONDS Smart key location to start car *FRONT SEATS* / ANYWHERE IN VEHICLE Open trunk via smart access button DISABLED / DOUBLE CLICK / *LONG PRESS* Open windows and sunroof by holding key in door lock ON / *OFF* Close windows and sunroof by holding key in door lock ON / *OFF* Open windows and sunroof via long-press on remote *ON* / OFF Instruments / Display / Dings Engine start indicator *ON* / OFF Display odometer after ignition is turned off for… *30 SECONDS* / 1 MINUTE / 10 MINUTES / OFF Reverse-gear beep *BEEP ONCE* / KEEP BEEPING WHILE IN REVERSE Seat belt warning ding (driver) *ENABLED* / DISABLED Seat belt warning ding (front passenger) *ENABLED* / DISABLED Turn signal click volume LOW / *MEDIUM* / HIGH Lane-change turn signal auto-flasher count OFF / 3 FLASHES / 4 FLASHES / 5 FLASHES / *6 FLASHES* / 7 FLASHES Remote low battery warning *ON* / OFF Front parking sensor range NARROW / *WIDE* Rear parking sensor range NARROW / *WIDE* Mute parking sensor when stationary for more than 3 sec. *YES* / NO Lower parking sensor beep volume when stationary for more than 3 sec. *DON'T CHANGE VOLUME* / 1 / 2 / 3 Lower parking sensor beep volume when moving away from objects DON'T CHANGE VOLUME / *1* / 2 / 3 Parking sensor beep volume *1* / 2 / 3 / 4 / MAX Activate parking sensors in neutral (N) *YES* / NO Auto-turn off parking display when moving away from obstacles *YES* / NO Lights Daytime running lights *ON* / OFF Coming-home lights duration *OFF* / 30 SECONDS / 60 SECONDS / 90 SECONDS Auto headlights activation threshold DARKEST / DARKER / NORMAL / LIGHTER / *LIGHTEST* Instrument lights dimming sensitivity DARKEST / DARKER / *NORMAL* / LIGHTER / LIGHTEST Instrument lights restoring sensitivity DARKEST / DARKER / *NORMAL* / LIGHTER / LIGHTEST Dim interior lights after… 7 SECONDS / *15 SECONDS* / 30 SECONDS Turn on interior lights when you shut off engine *YES* / NO Turn on interior lights when you unlock doors *YES* / NO Turn on interior lights when smart key in range *YES* / NO Interior footlight (bright when doors open, dim when driving) *YES* / NO Turn on interior door-handle & center console lights dimly (flood lights) when ignition is on and shifter is not in park (P) *YES* / NO Interior light control *ENABLED* / DISABLED Heater & A/C Temperature dial calibration -2°C / -1°C / *NORMAL* / +1°C / +2°C Ambient temperature calibration -3°C / -2°C / -1°C / *NORMAL* / +1°C / +2°C / +3°C A/C ECO mode *ENABLED* / DISABLED Auto-increase blower speed when front defroster is on *YES* / NO Auto-turn on A/C when AUTO button pressed (if needed) *YES* / NO Deactivate front defroster when AUTO button pressed *YES* / NO Fan speed reaches its target… SLOWLY / *NORMALLY* / FAST Obtained with Carista 2.6 for iOS. Download app: Carista OBD2 on the App Store Facebook: Carista iPad
Thanks for the list. Are the *##* factory settings? Also recommended settings for a 120 year old man with 3" thick glasses.
Tangentially, but... I was practicing using the parallel parking assist--I have the new kind that steers the car for you. So I was pulling up next to the parked car. I was trying to get accustomed to the distance sensors, and so I intentionally pulled a bit closer than I usually do. I thought I had pretty safe clearance, but the thing started beeping rapidly, then continuously at front right. I stopped and looked. Plenty of space between the two cars. I thought. So I kept pulling forward. And heard a dull "thock" as my passenger's side mirror gave a solid nudge against the parked car's driver-side mirror, and folded up partially and harmlessly, as side mirrors do nowadays. No harm done, but my car did contact someone else's car. I guess in future I am not going to be too quick to second-guess the distance sensors.
I do despair, you have all the bells and whistles blaring at you and choose to ignore them, I'm just glad it wasn't somebody's child that was stood there.