so one of my bulbs went out- a grey tipped ge h11. i picked up a set of philips xtreme visions at pep boys as a replacement. that's the brightest they make, apparently. installation went smoothly, but the output just sucks. its even worse than the bulbs that were in there before (which i assume were stock). i was poking around old threads and was seeing a few alignment issues, but aside from not being all that amazing, the lights were just fine before. regular old yellow ones, but fine. these new ones are barely perceptible when on. they are just bright enough to keep me from getting a ticket, but really aren't doing much at all. even driving next to other priuses(?), you can see a massive difference in light output, spread and distance. i also swapped out the brights for some sylvanias (their low mid tier ones) and those are bight as hell. you can see them from space. so is the bulbs, or am i missing something? i picked up a different set (sylvanias) but i figured i should ask before i crack open another package. but i seriously don't feel safe with the lights as is.
Definitely misaligned/crooked installation. Don't operate the lights until you double and triple check that the bulbs were installed properly. Operating the lights with improperly installed bulbs might melt your headlight housings.
thankfully, you were right. i used gloves when in installed them, felt them go in and they were secure. and since i was able to actually see the high beams go in, i felt ok about it. but they were a little askew. the driver's side was easy to fix and a quick check showed a vast improvement. however, for the life of me, i can't get the passenger side straight. my hands are just too big. i moved the intake aside but between the bit of the frame where the hood props open and the bracket for that reservoir, it simply will not happen. tried for a good 20 mins but i couldn't get it. over, under, from the side, i tried it all. i'm all dirty and scraped now, but i'll take another crack at it a little later. any hints here would be much appreciated. sadly, no child sized hands are around.
In addition to moving the intake away, some move the coolant reservoir as well. Leave the hoses attached, just unbolt the reservoir and move it away. Also, it's a little easier to install the bulb with the wiring harness off, then plug it back on after the bulb is properly installed.
so i'm like 80% sure i got it. i'll have to wait for the night to come to be sure, but it seems ok. the harness looks to be at a slight angle, but the gasket around the assembly seems to be flush, with an equal amount showing all around. sort of hard to tell because there is so much in the way, i can't get my face in there to be sure. throw and spread seems to be the same as the driver's side. no apparent damage from having it in crooked, so far as i can tell. if not, i'll probably try the installing the bulb first and then connecting it, though that worries me a little. not as much as unbolting the coolant. its the bracket that's bugging me, not the reservoir itself. but i'm running out of things to try, so...
I put a minute amount of silicone on the gasket - no more screwing around to get the bulbs straight, they really just slide in perfectly / BION StarCaller
well, its still ever so slightly off, parked in front of a wall and you can see a slight variation between the sides, also, you can see the throw on the doors of cars to my right as i pass them by, which is probably annoying. not as annoying as having to unbolt the coolant now. is that bolt plastic? at least i haven't observed any (apparent) damage to the headlights. yet. figured it would have happened by now, if it were to, though. would love to hear more about this, which silicone did you use and how does it help?
this one: Permatex 22058 Dielectric Tune-Up Grease, 3 oz. Tube without a small amount of this grease I had a lot of friction resistance between the bulb & the housing; it was pretty much impossible to feel with the fingers when the bulb was seated/ now with the minute (I emphasize the minute; you really just need very very little grease) amount of grease smeared on the bulb gasket you're able to turn the bulb way easier & you can really feel the bulb 'click' into the housing/
hmm... i may have to give that a try once the stores open again. i was driving around for a little bit just now and got a faint whiff of that sort of burning smell. both headlights felt about the same as far as warmth goes but the passenger side was warm in slightly different places. so once it cools down i'll have a peek. no visible damage or change in performance yet.
If you smell something burning, it's probably the plastic right around the bulb mount. Once it melts, it'll be impossible to properly mount the bulb into the housing. Use this guide to remove the bumper cover and the passenger headlight housing to access the bulb once and for all before any damage results from the off angle mounted bulb. DIY: How to black-out the headlights on a 2010+ Prius | Balancing Act
in typical me fashion, i did not give up. i undid the intake and the hose, and i tried the unclipped bulb trick. all to no avail. i resisted the idea to use other lubricants... of a different nature i had on hand. i saw there was a little electrical tape holding the two cable covers together, so i removed that to maybe give myself more room. still, i struggled for another 15-20 minutes. then the bulb fell. :| so, yeah. its gone. didn't break, but never made it out the other side. its somewhere in the bermuda triangle of plastic housing and covers and whatever below. so i slapped the old one back on (in a still slightly askew way) to avoid legal issues and try to limp around until i can address it further. at this point, i may just take it to somewhere, simply because i've only had it about five or six months and i'd like to establish a baseline of its health, and it needs an oil change now. not that i know of anyone in my area (san fernando valley). we'll see. i may pick up another matching bulb and some silicone and try that, though i don't think that's the issue. there just isn't enough space for me to apply even pressure to get it on right. don't have the time/patience/acumen to pop off the bumper right now. weirdly, i did find the (possible) source of the smell- the bulb itself. not sure what to make of that. i took it upstairs to see if had some alcohol to clean it off and noticed the smell followed me. i did see what appeared to be some residual silicone around the entry point- maybe a few specks of that got on the bulb from all the twisting and fussing, i don't know.
I installed LED side marker lights with great difficulty. Within 6 mos. The started to flicker and burned out. The were under warranty but, while trying to remove them they both dropped into panels below never to be seen again. I bought a new package of 2 and proceeded to lose them !! At 14$ a pair! I cut my losses and after 20 min. put the old bulbs back in! I did drop the under body panel AND got in behind the fender liners to no avail. My Pri has now eaten 30$ worth of LED's......