Ah! You are right to blame them. My stock tires were Toyo Proxes'. I hated those. Went through two of them just in the first 5,000 miles. Glad they're off my car. The rest wore out completely by 30K.
Thanks, David. That makes me feel MUCH better. Mine are the Toyo Nanoenergy A29's. I think some Three models I looked at, had Yokohama tires, and Dunlop, and Bridgestone. (Ok, my apologies to the forum. You guys do a great job here. I promise this will be my last rant about my Toyo tires. My Prius is a nice car with amazing technology. And I finally solved the cabin noise problem... I just wear ear plugs! )
Actually what I thought was hilarious was that the photo was of a goose, not a duck. How much weight to assign to the styling opinion of someone who can't tell a goose from a duck? Just sayin'. I must learn to skip past styling opinions the same way I blot out online ads. In most cases zero informational value (maybe something to the effect that "this styling will not sell cars to that particular group" might have a little value). In contrast, the OP's OP in this thread was packed with useful information. The number of "I hate it" statements online means nothing: if you like the vehicle's features and find the styling at least acceptable, you may buy one, which is a >$25,000 stronger statement than panning it in some clever way online. And irrespective of how many snarky comments are posted online, Toyota needs only enough people to like it to sell every one they make.
So you only want people to comment on non-subjective items? All the various reviews out there include information as well as the author's opinion on many aspects of the new 2016 Prius including interior appointments, materials used, etc. Hmmm...I guess anyone who posts that you wrote a great review/writeup should immediately stop as that too is subjective.
Ecopia's, from Costco. Love them so far. When I make an extreme slow speed tight turn (such as in a parking lot), they track properly now. The Toyo's felt like they were folding up on themselves and made strange squishing sounds. And no, I am not exaggerating. I can't tell if the mileage is any better or worse. If it is, or isn't, I don't care so much, since I chose a model level with the 17" wheels to begin with. Other than that, I am certain they should go beyond the 30K I got with the Proxes. I won't see that, since I am a candidate for the Prime when it becomes available in my area.
I thought Tony's review was very helpful and helped me feel more comfortable with buying the Gen4. I have my new 2016 Prius Four Touring model for three days. My present Prius (was kept) and is a 2007 Gen2 with 195,100 miles, and still running very well. I bought the standard 2016 Prius Four Touring for an MSRP of $30,895 plus some minor extras. When I went to the Toyota website there is/was no Four Touring, but I have one. I bring this up because one can not compare the Four Touring to the Four without going to the dealer. The Four Touring comes with a bunch of extras that the Four (not Touring) are considered as an extra package. Basically I did not want a Moon Roof since have rarely used one when I had it. After driving the new one for around 200 miles, the improvements over the Gen2 are too long to enumerate which includes the ability to drive in a battery mode more easily .... where on the Gen2 I really had to baby the accelerator pedal to get to stay in battery driven mode. After driving the Touring model at the dealer I felt that the ride and handling were a bit better the "regular" model. I usually read and don't post so I hope this helps. I will update my perceptions after I have driven it for a bit longer.
After reading all the excellent reviews of the new Prius, I just ordered a Four Touring. Of course I went for the Hypersonic red which by the way now cost $395 as a special color! This will be my third Prius. Love them all!. Dealer says 2 - 3 months. Cost of new car, $33.627 OTD
All touring models come with 17" tires, right? Any concerns about 17" vs. 15"? (or visa versa, I guess)
From what I've been reading, might be an advantage to having 17" as there appears to be an awful lot of complaining about road noise from the 15" toyo's. That has already made my mind up on ordering the 4 Touring over the 4. I don't need the sunroof and don't think I'll miss the HUD. Mine will include the PCP. J
Tell your dealer that this is a concern and a precondition of the sale. I'd bet they'll switch the wheels/tires out from another incoming car. It is absolutely what I'll be doing when I order my Prime, along with the single beep for reverse and no car mats or any other silly dealer add-on option. About the 17" wheels, I have them now on my GenIII. Slightly worse mileage and a stiffer ride. With the Toyo's it was a bad combo. Now with Ecopia's on the wheels, it is a more civil ride. Very glad the Prime will avoid the 17" wheels altogether.
Question: On the four touring, is "Heads Up Display included in the Premium Convenience Package? I can't find where it is in the Prius brochure. The pamphlet shows a picture but does not clarify what package it is in. ATP or PCP. Can anyone shed a light on this?