One saves three milliseconds of energy by pushing on/off directly, than "P" first, then power button...
I've come into a parking spot with ICE not running (no visceral awareness) and unconsciously open the door to exit with the car still in "D". Getting into the habit of using "P" before you let your foot off the brake ain't a half bad routine to practice. Then there are those of us that never, ever get distracted.
No, I don't think it will hurt anything to just hit the power button. That's all I ever have done to either my 2004 or my 2010.
The correct answer is "no it won't hurt the car". The Prius goes into "P" automatically when you turn it off. If it's moving slowly it's probably not a good idea, but if stopped it's fine.
ohhh im sorry i forgot the search before post... not its areplicated thread but is good to know ..... i was lokking for the tricks and hint tricks too... and there are some..... im quite happy with my prius ,,like a child on chrstmas
For those of us who are easily distracted, why would it be easier to remember to push "P" and then push the "Power" button than to simply push the "Power" button? A one-step shut-down procedure should be easier to manage than a two-step procedure.
That's a good question. Maybe they put the "P" button on the car for some obscure federal safety requirement. I know I use it because I guess I just like to push buttons.
I use the "park" button when I leave the car running with my wife in it, then I get out to do something that only takes a few minutes or less. Typically, my wife needs to remain warm or cool while she's waiting.
I trained myself not to use the P and to always shut off with Power. With a silent engine, it would be very easy to walk away from the car "running" in my garage.