From another forum I frequent... SuperStation95 95.1-FM New York, NY USA Post by Newsroom Feb 29, 2016 Concerns of "Major" West Coast Earthquake Growing as San Andreas, Melones and Elsinore Faults Spew More Carbon Monoxide Beginning on February 26, NASA satellites in space began detecting staggeringly large emissions of Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas along the west coast. As evidenced by the satellite image below, the emissions were far too big, too highly concentrated and covered too vast an area to be man-made. On the satellite image below, the areas in black, purple and brownish-orange show the magnitude of the emission; it was utterly massive! Scientists quickly determined that the CO was coming up out of the earth; being expelled out through seismic faults. What this means is the earth began moving in such a way on February 26, that pressure along the fault lines in California became so great, it expelled massive amounts of naturally-occurring carbon monoxide gas from the Monterey Formation of shale. In fact, the proximity of the CO emissions directly aligns with those formations! That's a LOT of pressure! When pressure builds up like this, it is not hard to understand that something has to "give" and when it does, there's an earthquake. That's why this emission of Carbon Monoxide is a warning sign of an impending, LARGE earthquake. The last time an emission of Carbon Monoxide on this scale took place, was a week prior to the Gujarat Earthquake which devastated India; killing twenty thousand people and destroying 400,000 homes when the 7.6 quake Struck in Jan. 2001. Emission Easing, But Still Spewing in Several Specific Areas After the initial emission of Carbon Monoxide on February 26 into the 27th , winds began to dissipate the Carbon Monoxide and carry it eastward, thinning it out as it traveled. Here is the satellite image from 12:00 Noon eastern US Time today (29 Feb 2016): As you may notice, three specific areas continue to spew large amounts of Carbon Monoxide to this day. These areas directly coincide with three major seismic faults: The San Andreas Fault, The Melones Fault and the Elsinore Fault as illustrated on the map below: Below is today's satellite image of the faults still emitting CO: The fact that some of this CO is emanating from the Melones Fault Zone is problematic. There is no Monterey Formation there; it abuts the Sierra Nevada Mountains. So for a fault this far inland to be emitting CO while faults farther to the west (San Andreas) and south (Elsinore) are also exhibiting this same activity, gives an indication of the utterly massive amount of tectonic pressure taking place and the ENORMOUS area being affected by this tectonic stress. If history is any indication of future activity, then, as took place in India in 2001, at some point within the next six or days (max) - there may be a **** MAJOR **** earthquake along one or more of these fault lines. This is not a "prediction" or some sick Hoax; it is a logical assessment of the facts as they are known, using data sources which are reputable, which form the basis for a logical conclusion. We must emphasize that, at present, modern science CANNOT accurately predict an earthquake. We certainly do not claim to be able to do so. Having said that, it is also undisputed that the last time this type of CO emission took place, twenty thousand people were killed by a magnitude 7.6 earthquake in India. Therefore, it seems prudent to us, to publish this information so people throughout California can decide for themselves if emergency preparations are necessary. SUGGESTED PREPS Put fuel in your car gas tank and keep it topped-off for a week in case evacuation becomes necessary. You don't want to wait until a quake hits before trying to get fuel - which will be almost impossible to obtain if disaster strikes. Have a supply of fresh water to drink and cook with for fourteen days. (Never mind for washing or flushing toilets - we mean water for SURVIVAL). Each human being requires six to eight (8 ounce) glasses of water per day. That's 1/2 gallon per person, per day Have a small, gravity-fed water filter is important too, in case you have to get water from a local lake or stream. Filter it first! With a water filter, you'll need a storage bucket or containers to store the water you filter. So have a clean bucket or clean containers on-hand. Have canned (soups/meats) or dried foods (rice/grains) that will not spoil in the absence of electricity - and a MANUAL CAN OPENER to access that food. Have basic emergency gear like battery operated flashlights and radios with spare batteries. Have spare clothing to keep warm and dry if your home is ruined and you are forced to be outside for awhile. Perhaps an emergency electrical source like a small generator to provide limited electricity, with the lawful, safe, amount of properly containerized and stored FUEL to supply that generator. Those of you with outdoor propane gas grills, might want to make sure the propane tank is full or get a spare for cooking. Of course, having some first aid supplies is a good idea to treat any cuts or bruises or to help someone seriously hurt by a quake. Have a supply of medications that you may routinely take --- and may need to rely upon for a week or two -- until supply chains can be brought back online after a major disaster. Much of this stuff can be packed into a "go bag" for each member of your family. Put the essential in each bag, make sure everyone knows where each bag is, and have a plan to grab the bag and meet at a particular place inside our outside your home if a quake hits. We cannot say for certain that a major earthquake is going to strike. We can say that when this type of massive CO release has taken place, there was a major, deadly earthquake within a week.
"This pattern correlates with population, and is straightforward to associate with pollution" said John Vidale of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. 'Carbon monoxide explosion’ doesn't mean earthquake is coming | KIRO-TV
Mostly FALSE says Snopes, equipment error if I understand correctly, there is no big CO release. Even if there was, there is not a correlation with quakes except as a possible research idea.
But it's good motivation to get prepared for the bigun which really is going to happen at any time....
Heck, I am heading out to the Triple Junction in California -- will actually be staying within a mile of it next week -- one of most active earthquake zones in the world: Where the San Andreas Fault ends I was thinking, if I am going to die anyway, maybe I should ask the cute blonde in sales out for drinks the night before I leave next Friday...but here comes WJTracy to upset my fantasy... Honestly, I grew up next to the San Andreas -- could see it from my living room -- and every several years there is something that says a giant quake is going to happen immediately....and it will -- but that is immediately in geologic time. Which could be next week or a couple of thousand years from now.... Can't remember all the quakes I have been through --- but there have been a few above 7.0 -- and several in the 6.0+ range -- and smaller than that, I don't worry about them.
Turns out Microsoft's software was responsible for erroneous readings, at least the satellites aren't yet crashing to the ground wife wants to add OR and WA to her life list, so we are coming out. Hopefully we get out of CA while the gettins good on our way up...looks like we're exploring the whole CO explosion zone on the map...great
Scientists are as good at predicting earthquakes as stock brokers are at predicting the stock market. I don't even feel it unless it exceeds 3.0
I am not going to hammer amm0bob for this. The internet is a tricky place to obtain data. Furthermore,his suggestions for disaster preparations were very good. Whether or not somebody tells you that the sky is about to fall, it is sensible to have some sort of prep in place. I will hammer the satellite data providers. 'Transparency' is of course a very good thing, but when one bird goes into a non-function mode and comes out with uncalibrated sensors, data that appears highly unusual should not be promulgated. Furthermore, CO is monitored (proxied I should say) by other satellites and they did not show a burst. Concordance matters... Sorry to be apparently secretive here, but y'all see what the internet can do with dynamic, unconfirmed 'data'. Indirectly measuring aspects of Earth with orbiting sensors is hard. Glad we do it, should do more, but maybe sometimes satellite operators lose sight of shortcomings along the data/analysis path. It is a darn good lesson. Orbiting sensors are in a harsh environment such as we ground-walkers cannot imagine. They aspire to 'pick out' tiny changes against a highly dynamic and variable 'backscreen' which is land or sea surface. I praise the steely-eyed rocketmen, while advising them that apparent anomalies need even more checking than ho-hum data streams. The efflux was falsely reported, mechanism linking to crustal-fault strain is no more supported than it was previously (that is, weakly), and West Coast earthquakes remain at a low level. I just checked
snopes will lie for coins... and for their own political agenda... one of the founders was recently arrested. Just because snopes has an opinion, doesn't mean it is valid. As for my OP... hey guys, if you've seen any of my posts in the past about doom and gloom, you know I ain't 100% spot on. Thank goodness.
it could be the weight of all those people. wait till i get out there, that should put it over the edge.
I googled for this. The results I found were obscure ideologically-driven sites or users posting a story originally from: CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption That article reads like fantasy fiction. None of the key details can be verified by googling. The picture of the alleged arrest on that site is either a very crude photoshop job or the guy being arrested has a skin pigment disease near the collar of his neck.
It is supposedly satire. The People's Cube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!