Looks like I am leaving Iowa and returning back to Oregon. Nice I got to see the political show in Iowa! Hope my Prius survives the Rockies a second time! And, for all of you who missed my corn likker fest in Iowa last summer, maybe we can do an IPA Fest in Oregon in August! Kris
Oh....voting twice. I like that idea! Problem is, I don't remember who I supported the first go-round. There was a nice man in a plaid suit who offered me a glass of some nice refreshment and a big shiny quarter if I just supported his candidate, but the name of the candidate has escaped me! As for the return escape route, yes, I plan to head west along the northern "railway." I will probably stop off in Fort Collins and inspect a few of the better known brew spots -- as well as visit an old friend/professor or five and then back to I-80, through Boise and then out to Sisters, Oregon and down into Eugene. Hopefully the snow will be a memory by then. Thanks for the good wishes Bisco. You are still on my awesome list from your earlier "feminism!" Kris
I haven't been to Iowa, but I can't imagine it's nicer than Oregon. Which I have been to - mostly the coast. Good luck, and welcome back to the Left Coast.