(Hope there isn't already a thread on this. Didn't see one via a quick search.) So, I added a reply to my thread "CNN Money: 76% of Americans Are Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck" and it looks like either my reply or someone else's got it moved to the politics sub-area, which I never really wanted access to anyway. From CNN Money: 76% of Americans Are Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck | PriusChat that will probably go away/get refreshed, from the snapshot taken Jan 24, 2016 16:11:19 GMT, it looks like it was not in the political area at that time. Snapshots from CNN Money: 76% of Americans Are Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck | PriusChat and CNN Money: 76% of Americans Are Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck | Page 4 | PriusChat from late 2014 also confirm that. I'm a little annoyed by this... I understand mods want to move political threads there, but it seems that just adding any sort of political reply (or one that's interpreted as such) to any thread is a "convenient" way of shutting down discussion/limiting folks who can see it/reply since many folks don't have access there or don't want it. (I never wanted it but seem to have access now.)
Hey you're on Pancakes now! I thought this thread was on FHoPol last nite. Anyways join the crowd on FHoPol I guess. As you know, FHoPol used to be join-by-approval that many of us never joined. It was presumably the most virulent and abusive politics discussions. About a year ago. FHoPol was opened for everyone? and became the repository for threads the mods feel they would rather not have open to the public. It's nice to have a safe place, but I wonder if there could be an expanded FHoPol. For example I like to talk about hybrid advocacy especially when states hit us with unfair fees. I'd say more, but well, this thread is open access.
"It was presumably the most virulent and abusive politics discussions." Which there was a lot of at one time, but the agitators have moved on, and most discussions there are now mostly civil.
apologies to cwerdna, if it was my reply that caused it. but it seems to me that politics is mostly inseparable from everyday life, and there is a difference between discussing the effects of politics, vs politics directly.
Trolls hang out under bridges for a reason. They usually cannot thrive in the daylight and they find civil intercourse with their fellow humans to be difficult, if not downright impossible. However (comma!) as genuinely unpleasant as these people are I don't think that it's quite fair to blame them specifically for topics being thrown into their toilet, since most of the trolls never get out into the real-world portions of this forum. People out on the fringes tend to be thin-skinned. This is true of lefties and righties alike, but there is a subset of these people who continuously try to stifle conversation they find to be uncomfortable, and lets face it......stretching one's mind to consider another point of view can be uncomfortable. Still....this is a car forum. They can....and will do as they will....or as I've put it in the past.... Danny's forum. Danny's rules. Don't like it? Don't post. Several people in the past have thrown down their bat and ball and stomped off of the playground, vowing never to return. I wish them luck and happiness.....but really....most were unhappy when they got here.
Agreed, it's his place and his rules, but AFAIK, I'm not the one who posted anything that got my FHoP thread moved into FHoPol....
I have... And I've also seen very overtly political topics 'tolerated' in the non-political section. That's life. I'm not going to get my knickers in a knot over it. Anybody who watches (for example) the NFL knows that sometimes the umps miss stuff, but things would break down pretty quickly if they took their flags and whistles and went home.
Since it's a few people that invariably inject the hot button topics that move threads, why not just send a note asking them to chill?
Some of the thread movements have made me wonder if the guidelines have changed. For example, Ioniq - went way too long in News when another new car mention, the Pacifica, almost instantly went to "Other cars." But it also seems like the threshold of sending threads to Freds House of Politics seems a little lower. Worse, in some cases, the subject such as government support or enforcement has more to do with the market than a political issue. So let me propose a 'rule of thumb': If voting or an election is involved -> send to House of Politics If regulatory -> keep where started Still, being a moderator is no fun especially with one profiles Prius people (who are all above average . . .) Bob Wilson
I guarantee this forum is easier to "Moderate" than most car forums...but we do indeed appreciate their work none the less.
since fhopol started showing up in 'new posts', and no sign up requirement, the only diff seems to be the lack of like.
I knew someone that was such a political hack that although he was barely old enough to do so, right after the 2008 election he bought $3000 of firearms. And he continued to inject politics kind of like Dr Berman did here once. So eventually, to paraphrase Charleton Heston, we pried his membership at that forum from his computer from "his cold, dead hands" There are simply a few people that tend to drone on and on about one hot topic or another. On the internet, people don't walk away, but that's the response they need. This is me at other sites, but when members like that choose to ignore warnings, they eventually get banned. Generally, they blame the moderators for what they brought upon themselves.