My 2016 Two eco arrived yesterday! I took delivery this morning. I had been wondering if that 3 inch dip in the cargo area would be an improvement or not. I have a 2005, a 2010, and now a 2016. I'll give the 2005 to my nephew in about a week. I only have a 2 car garage, and it's currently raining, so I'll just do the 2010-2016 comparison now, I'll do the same with the 2005 when the rain lets up. In the 2010, I can fit 2 standard tall suitcases laying flat, and have a little extra space. But, I cannot set the suitcases on their sides, and close the trunk (it's very close, and it might be possible if the suitcase is not too rigid and collapses a little. In the 2016, I can fit them on their sides and close the trunk no problem. This means I can probably fit 3, maybe even 4 such sized suitcases. In the pictures below, the red car is the 2010. The Green care in the 2016. Does anyone else want to see any other comparison pictures? Just let me know
I'm a little nervous, frankly. I drive 4 hours a week, about half of it on the highway (a 2 hour each way trip, and I stay out of town for 3 days). I'm happy that I get 2 years of roadside assistance. Still, I'm nervous. Also, we usually take at least one long road trip per year (to Florida, about 10 hours each way. I guess I'll just hope for the best, and replace them early and often.
Is there a scissor jack and lug nut wrench? Look into a plug repair kit, and some method to re-inflate the tire that avoids using the supplied supply kit. It's not a complete replacement, but it might save your bacon in certain scenarios. Even with a temp spare, I keep a top-end plug repair kit in the car, belts-and-braces.
20160122_133606 by fsu23phd posted Jan 22, 2016 at 1:42 PM It seems to include a jack, a lug nut wrench, an air compressor and a bottle of fix-a-flat (generic). I don't see a plug kit. Good call, I will go invest in one of those. You can never be too careful, good thinking.
They wouldn't supply a plug repair kit. It's kinda frowned on now, deemed a temporary repair. I've done one on our OEM tires, one on our snow tires. Both are fine, years down the road.
Since it is raining, I'll go grab a tape measure and take some more comparison pictures. I wouldn't call it huge by any stretch. It gains about 2.5 inches of dept, which is just enough to matter in this case.
do you have the dimensions of your lugage? Is it possible for you to measure the trunk of the P4 on 3 axis? Thanks for sharing.
Happy to. The g3 and g4 are both narrower on the bottom of the trunk. The are both widest toward the top. Gen 3 36 inches at bottom of opening 40 in at where the trunk wall angles 34.75 in from seats to end of trunk 26 in from floor of trunk to ceiling of car at back of seats Gen 4 34.5 at bottom of opening 41.25 at angle 35 from seats to the dip 28.5 from trunk floor to ceiling near seats Larger suitcase is 28.5x12x17. The other is almost as tall
Yes, if you look at the picture of the green car with the suitcases on their sides, you see how the kind of loops up toward the bottom right hand side. That's where you were losing space. By the time you get to the widest spot, it is wider
Nice car there in North Carolina! Nicer space for luggage at least in the no-spare case (2 eco 4 4T). What it is not, is 27.4-ft3 cargo space...right? They must be adding something else in. The suitcase is 3.4-ft3
Nah look at the 3-ft3 suitcase maybe you get 4 in there so that's 13.6-ft3 + nooks your 17-ft3, right? I think Gen2 was 16.2-ft3 and Gen3 and Gen4 are +1 on that. Proviso, Gen2 and 3 you gotta add the space under the false floor while Gen4 you get one big space.
Well if it's not too much trouble. Could you set the driver seat in your Gen 3 and your Gen 4 to your normal distance and then take pictures of the rear leg room? And maybe measure the gap between the driver seat and the rear seat? Thanks, Tony